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Jun 28, 2018

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



Today’s scenario is people on the earth are rapidly increased and as a result the number of vehicles on the road is also increased, therefore the problem of traffic management arises especially for emergency vehicles .the idea behind this paper is to implement a system which would easily control the traffic and helps for the emergency vehicle to reach at their destination. This scheme relies completely on automatic intelligence control. the goal here is to reduce the latency of the emergency vehicle with minimum or less disruption to regular traffic flow however there is still problem for an emergency vehicle to bypass near the traffic junction. the emergency vehicle could not be going as fast as it can so to overcome that challenge we have to find the new methods.

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.0       Project Overview

Traffic congestion is a major problem in cities of developing Countries like Nigeria. Growth in urban population and the middle-class segment consuming vehicles significantly to the rising number of vehicles in the cities. Congestion on roads eventually results in slow moving traffic, which increases the time of travel, thus stands-out as one of the major issues in metropolitan cities. So, there is loss of life due to the delay in the arrival of emergency vehicle to the hospital or places needed in the golden hour. The main reason is that traffic signals are used to manage conflicting requirements for the use of road space often at road junctions by allocating the right side of a way to different sets of mutually compatible traffic movements during distinct time intervals.

To solve congestion problem is feasible only by improving the traffic control system by replacing the present day system with some new innovation and/or modification. A growing body of evidence proves that simply expanding a road infrastructure cannot solve traffic congestion problems. In fact, building new roads can actually compound congestion, in some cases, by inducing greater demands for vehicle travel – demands that quickly eat away the additional capacity. The saturating density of the traffic now points to the need of advance intelligent traffic signal systems to take place instead of the conventional manual and time based traffic control system. We are also very much aware of the fact that ambulances and various other emergency services get disrupted by getting caught up in traffic. On an average each ambulance/fire-engine takes over 28 % more time and in the case of cities and urban areas delays could even go as far as up to 1-2 hours regardless of distance to destination. Establishing proper coordination among authorities at all times is neither possible nor feasible, apart from this due to increased dependence on electronic and wireless systems there is the threat of undesired intrusions. Hence a smart, reliable and autonomous traffic control system is required to prevent the loss of many lives/collateral delays. On thorough, systematic evaluation of the problem we made the following observations – ambulances/emergency service vehicles get caught up in traffic due to taking less favourable (e.g. traffic prone) owing to the drivers’ lack of knowledge and also because those on the roads are unaware/unguided of an ambulance/emergency service vehicle approaching and the actions needed to be taken in order to make way for them.(Sharma, 2013)

1.1       Background and Justification

The normal form of traffic management, system requires human intervention in the road. In this method, a traffic officer is positioned on each and every cross section of roads; the traffic police controls flow of traffic. A traffic police officer is outlooks in middle of road and monitors flow of traffic. In instance of any traffic congestion the police officer gives signals whether to drive or stop to the vehicle driver. Hence the driver is capable to recognize emergency case, so the police officer can prefer which lane desires more priority than other. This scheme is most proficient than any other system. But the system requires human as a part of system hence this scheme is inadequate,  efficiency of system depends on experience and capability of the person.

In order to evade the human intervention in the normal traffic management system, an automatic traffic management scheme is recommended. This system comprises of simple three colour traffic signal. Generally for each lane 120 seconds of green light is set on. Before green light, yellow light flashes for 20 second, signifying to start your vehicle and be ready to go. For all the time red light is on, requesting each vehicle to stop. This system cannot recognize and prioritize the emergency vehicle, normal car and ambulance same way. So there are probabilities of delay in emergency services. E.g. Delay in reaching hospital by the ambulance in case of traffic congestion. Drivers disobeying signal rules are also headache, sometimes they causes serious accidents.

The proposed “Implementation of Traffic Light Priority for Emergency Vehicle” provides clearance to emergency vehicles using the MIC sensor. The ambulance/emergency service vehicle, The communication between the ambulances/emergency service vehicles and device at signal posts is done via MIC signals sensor and a crystal oscillator respectively connected with the microcontroller.

1.2       Aim and Objectives of Project

1.2.1       Aim

The aim of this project is to implement traffic light priority for emergency vehicle. The system proposed here involves localized Traffic routing for each intersection junction based on MICsensor Networks. The proposed system provides clearance to Emergency vehicles using microphone sensor.

The sensor have sensing capacity when there is an interrupt that can detect the presence of emergency vehicle and communicates with central programmable microcontroller. The Microcontroller makes use of the proposed programmed algorithm to find ways to manage and regulate traffic in a systematic manner efficiently.

1.2.2       Objectives

The specific of objectives of this project are as follows:

  • To research about the implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle and come out with a workable, implementable, and cost effective traffic light control system with priority for emergency vehicle based on Microcontroller.
  • Interface infrared sensor, serial memory, and display unit to the MCU.
  • To implement hardware (solder the components together) for the project.
  • To understand the structure and operation of micro processor chip
  • To study the C language program and their programming technique
  • To build the model of four-junctions of intelligent traffic light that have priority for emergency vehicle.

1.2.3    Motivation

The frequent report and subsequent occurrence of accidents on the Nigeria high way and delay of emergency vehicle in traffic around junctions is so alarming and the rate at which traffic jams occur on such junctions and roundabout is also very disturbing which needs an urgent attentions to safe lives of Nigerians during an emergency by creating a traffic light that have priority for emergency vehicles.

1.2.4       Contribution to Knowledge

This project contributes to know in the following ways:

  1. Implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle
  2. Development of customised firmware for the Microcontroller Unit
  3. Develop hardware interface using Arduino mini pro based.
  4. Interface Arduino mini to infrared sensor, serial memory, LEDS display.
  5. Design a customized casing.

1.3    Scope and Limitation of project

The scope of this project is limited to the implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicles using radio frequency. The operation of this traffic control system works like every other automatic traffic control system only that this proposed system have priority for emergency vehicles. The emergency vehicle is expected to send radio frequency to the traffic control system or module installed at the junction and the signal is detected the traffic control system clear traffic for the emergency on that particular lane on which the signal is detected.

The implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle provides numerous advantages as well application but is also subjected to many limitations and criticisms. This includes

  • This device is relatively expensive
  • It cannot work effectively with voltage below 20volts.
  • The source needs periodic checking to maintain it.

1.3.1 Structure of the Report

This section will discuss the layout of the report, the chapters are;

Chapter 1 deals with the general introduction to the Implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle.

Chapter 2 looks at literature on traffic light priority for emergency vehicles.

Chapter 3 involves adopting engineering methodology, then implement the methodology on the construction of implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle.

Chapter 4 this section discusses test result, all measurement and analysis carried out on the implementation of traffic light priority for emergency vehicle.

Chapter 5 states the conclusion, project appraisal, and recommendation.


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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284