This study was designed to find out the ‘’The Contributions of Record Management to Decision Making in a Modern Organization’’. The researcher has concluded by collecting relevant books and magazine, and internal questionnaires were used as the case study. It is the contention of greater percentage of respondents that most secretaries should be employed by an organization when they have knowledge of the contributions of record management to decision making. According to the respondents when a an organization that pay little or no attention to proper or effective record management is bound to crash. Chapter one deals with the introductions, chapter three deals with design methodology, chapter four is the data presentation and analysis which chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendations.
Every organization needs information to function proper. All information in formation in form of records of any organization must as well be material and will managed for decision making modern organization need to view the effect of good records management on their organizations.
International standard organization (ISO) defines record as an information created and maintain as evidence and information by an organization or person in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction.
ISO (2001), defined records management as the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creating, receipt maintenance, used and disposition of records including the processes for capturing maintain evidence of and information about business and transaction in the form of records.
Records management originated from the early man, who can on stones and walls in caves for the purpose of future references.
These information were written in form of drawing and writing in form of language on walls. As time went on, states, were discovered and used to store information by writing on them subsequently, there came the using of papers which made the keeping and transferring of information easier on place to another. Thereafter, files were being created to guarantee the easy classification of these papers.
In the 20th century, filing equipment such as boxes, cabinets shelves trolleys filling trays recks and many other kept coming up these were all invented at different kinds of information.
A voluntary town came up later, which bought micro filming machines which are used to film document in order to be reduce the back of papers and files presented in the cabinets and save space.
In 1981, IBM introduced its personal computer (PC) for use in homes, offices and schools prior to that time, there had been several Microsoft disk operating system (M.S. Dos) compatible personal computer is to store information in order to allow for easy means of operation in offices brought about the automation.
Since records are documents or other physical entity or electronic entity in an organization that serves as evidence of an activity or transaction performed by the organization and that requires retention for some time period.
Therefore, the need of proper classification of this records become necessary for easy location or retrieval whenever they are needed through good records management. The use crude tools sapped activities in organization has causes some physical damages on human structure and some unacceptable delay in maintaining information but, with the aid of modern office automation, man is able to overcome those problems.
Manual filling may cause some delays in transferring information while the electronic system can do that faster with the and of law. Virus cannot attack the physical records unlike the electronic records.
Computer make filling system easier but not to totally replace the manual filing systems. It is advisable that both the two system should be sued.
Filling as we know is not just putting documents in a folder and stored or kept for future use it required a broad knowledge of filling system. There is met for records managers of any organization to be acknowledge in area like methods of filing maintenance, procedure safety of files and good records management in general.
The foremost reason of this study is to highlight the relevant of records management to decision making in a modern organization. In the achievement of this primary goals, the study will discuss;
- How to develop proper records management in organization
- Find out the lips for effective records management and also investigate how to set up a filling system.
- Explore the concept of office automation and its effect on filing system.
- Highlight the contribution of records management to modern organization.
This research works is carried out to investigate into the relevance on the contributions of records management to modern automated organization. It will therefore be important to the following people and organization.
Secrecy: It will be of great importance to secretaries who reads this work as it enables him to understand the various ways in which document may be handled for effectiveness and efficiency in productivity of modern organization.
Government and corporate organization
It will help the government and corporate organization in the area of decision making in an organization where records are managed proper decision can be taken promptly which can faster the growth of the organization or country.
Institution of learning: It will enable various institutions to focus more on training undergraduates on how maintain good filing system. It will also empower institutions to manage their records more effectively.
To ensure on accurate investigation of study, the following research hypothesis are necessary.
- Proper records management are not easy to develop in modern organization.
- Office automation have not total replace manual filing system
- Record management has not contributed to decision making organization.
This study will highlight the concept of records management and the use of electronic and manual filing system in records management. It is based on the use of both automatic machines and the manual ways of managing records in a modern organization.
The records is faced with the problems of some requested web pages not been displayed. Also some respondents should relevant attitude to the administered questionnaire but with all this limitations, the research was still able to come out with tangible facts for that could be used to form reliable judgement for the topic under study.
The following terms are been used in the research work and are necessary to be discussed.
Records: Is a document, book, paper, photograph, sound record or any material down for the purpose of proving memory.
Records: Management is a system of planning for and controlling the use of business records.
Automation: It refers to all tools and methods that are applied to office activities which make possible to process written visual, and sound data in a computer added manner.
Filling: Method of arranging files or records to facilitate easy retrieval of documents.
Retrieve: It is an act of regaining information that has been stored.
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