The world we are living is said to be dynamic, yesterday’s knowledge is today’s obsolete, this is over changing world of work, any profession that fails to move along with the dynamic of its environment becomes extincted. Secretaries in their day to day activities cannot do without information. So office technology and management students need to possess this information and communication technology skill to enable them fit properly in this new innovation in the modern office.
Technology has transformed office functions. This leads to changes in skills processed by office technology and management graduate students in office automation. In the past, secretaries activities have been difficult due to the use of manual and archaic machines in processing, recording, storing and retrieving of information. This has resulted in inefficiency and inaccuracy of production, and this leads to waste of human resources as well as mistakes in document.
Technology is a dynamic phenomenon as machine of work methodology is use today may become obsolete tomorrow and be replaced with new one. As a result of this transformation, modern office automation has invaded traditional office technology in view of this, office technology and management students who possesses office automation or information and communication technology skills are in great demand. Those with only shorthand and typing skills are being threatened by he insurgence of information technology.
Josephine (1998) state that the sophistication of modern office has given room for multi-programming and high efficiency through the use of automation. Significant development in this direction has not only caused explosive increase in the use of automation in an office but, also introduces a new concept into secretarial profession. And highly demanding than it use to be change from the use of archaic and manual equipments and machinic for highly sophisticated which include information and communication technology facilities. Umuogani (2006).
Abdulsalam (2002) defined information and technology as the use of computer and communication in order to provide rapid and easy electronic processing and transformation of information.
McBrie (2000) defined information as interrelated or structural data including collection, storage, processing and dissemination of news, data, facts, messages, opinions and comments required in order react knowledgeably as well as to be in a position to take appropriate decision. Information which is used for decision making is generally perceived as data that has been processed into a meaningful, useful and useable context.
Sambo (2001) held that information is the manipulation of data, image, text etc, intelligently organized to make meaning. So, information has the ability to transform man and his circumstances. Information and communication technology have improved skill acquisition, utilization and interpretational relation in communication process. Office technology and management graduates are information and communication based. This means that, office technology and management graduates are at the centre of office information and communication management. Technology is the process whereby correspondence is turning out at a faster rate with the use of computers and other sophisticated office machines. Technological break through has led to the manufacture of various office machines which include teleconferencing machines, e-mail, internet facility, voice messaging system, scanning machine, electronic printer, UPS back up facilities, telephone, electric stencil, cutters, reprographic and micrographic equipment. The office technology and management graduate therefore, needs special skills to operate these new technologies. He should then possess skills in the various component areas of information and communication technology.
The skills according to Aircbanmen (2004) would have to cover all the equipments and facilities stated below. The office technology and management students should have the knowledge of electronic mail, with regard to computing, sending, retrieving, reading and responding to mails on-line, conferencing that are relevant to profession needs, ability to perform the basic computer operation cluster such as creation of document, creation of sub-directories, folders, knowledge of graphical use interface, installation and updating of software drive, exchange of file, the skill of operating digital camera and scanner, electronic slides and knowledge of media communication resources.
From the above, it can be seen that the level of skill possessed by office technology and management students are broad and should be embraced so that information and communication technology and management students are good assets both to themselves and the employers of labour.
Due to advancement in information technology, the requirement of secretaries has so enlarged that more skills should be possessed by office technology and management students for effective performance in an office and self reliance.
Nwogwugwu (2002) stated that secretaries who are not well equipped in terms of new skills and competencies, knowledge and abilities required. For today and and tomorrow’s office are sure to be embarrassed as their inadequate skill will render them redundant or even throw them out of job. This means that lack of information communication technology ICT skills will automatically mean lack of good jobs for office technology and management students office technology and management students are faced with lack of good job when they are inadequately, trained to match up with some information and communication technology equipments.
Since lack of information and communication technology still ill undermine the existence and attainment of office technology and management students in getting a good job or being self employed, this research work is therefore out to find out those information and communication technology skills.
The major purpose of this study is to identify the level of information communication technology (ICT) skills possessed by office technology and management students.
- To determine the keyboard operating skills possessed by office technology and management students.
- To determine the internet resources skills possessed by office technology and management students.
- To determine the data or word processing skills possessed by office technology and management students
- To determine the electronic office skills possessed by office technology and management students.
- To determine the reprographic or micrographic skills possessed by office technology and management students.
In this information and communication technology era, then its importance cannot be over emphasized. This research is very important to the students seeking for employment. It is not just important to office technology and management students alone but also employers of labour who are looking for secretaries that are information and communication competent.
It is important to students who are seeking for employment because the knowledge of information and communication technology which will help them to develop their skills to meet required standard expected by employers of labour in this global market.
It is important to employers of labour as this would enable them to employ secretaries that could meet their job demand of this modern age.
Finally, the result will serve as reference materials to future researchers.
The following questions are formulated to guide the study.
- What are the keyboard operating skills possessed by office technology and management students?
- What are the internet resources skills possessed by office technology and management students and its applications
- What are the data or word processing skills possessed by office technology and management students.
- What are the electronic office skills possessed by office technology and management students?
- What are the reprographic or micrographic skills possessed by office technology and management students.
This research work determines the information and communication technology skills possess by office technology and management students.
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