This project entitled The Impact of Information Technology and its Implication on Office Technology and Management Education in Nigeria, X-rayed the impact of IT on the secretarial function. It looked at the history of technology and also the history of Office Technology Education. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed and 40 were received. From the analysis of data collected, it was discovered from findings that with the introduction of IF, office technology education has become easy as compared some years back. Based on the findings, the researcher came on conclusion that effective office technology education depends on proper storage of information on these improved information technology such as internet, computer etc. it reduces the rigor manual processing of information. Recommendations are also made on how emerging information technology can reap the benefit of office technology education in institutions of learning. The school should have a database or data bank where proper storage of various information relevant to office technology education could be kept interest in this new form of information technology and institutions should also educate the students on the general principles of information technology. This will help the students to adapt easily to any educated machines.
1.1 Background of the study
In the past, secretarial service used to be crude, primitive and recorded little achievement technologically. Manually operated machines and equipment dominated the scene. The record system was complete manual with document stored in file/drawers. The telephone system required and operator to direct incoming calls as well as internal calls.
With the sophistication in technology, there is no doubt that we are not static. Our society today comprises much organization both large and small in the private and public sectors of the economy with various objectives to achieve. The achievement of these objectives involves planning, decision making, etc. however, with information the organization can neither plan nor take decision on any issue.
It is the view of many people all over the world that quality education is a pre-requisite for the attainment of a country’s development goals. Strides in various sphere of life that have been achieved so far by developed countries are often products of high standards of education.
Information Technology (IT) are adverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information communication and information are at the very heart of the education process, consequent, information technology use in education has long history information technology has played an educational role informal and non-formal settings, in programs provided by governmental agencies, public and private educational institutions, for profit co-operation and non-profit groups and secular and religious communities.
Information Technology generally relates to these technologies used for accessing, gathering, manipulating and presenting or communicating information. The technologies used include hardware (e.g. computer and other devices) software application and connectivity (e.g. access to internet, local networking, infrastructures, and video conferencing). What is most significant about information technology is the increasing convergence of computer based, multimedia and communication technologies and the rapid of change that characterized both the technologies and their use.
Through Information Technology, one is able to watch on happening thousand of kilometer away from one’s home or to transmit messages to distance quite far way within seconds through satellite and internet. These technological advancement unmatched in the history or scientific invention and innovation have simply turned the world into a huge global village.
1.2 Statement of the problems
It has been revealed of late that student of most tertiary institutions in Nigeria cannot operate the modern electronic gadget.
Worst still others have not been opportune to see these new machines let alone to operate it or them.
It has also been observed that obtaining sufficient and reliable Information Technology at the right time as well as disseminating specific information to those who might need them for performance of business education in schools has always been and of secretarial education major problems.
Also, report indicate the cost of acquisition of these new technologies is slowing the pace expansion in secretarial education in Nigeria.
The purpose of the study includes the following:
- To determine whether effective dissemination of information can enhance secretarial education in Nigeria through application of these equipments
- Determine the extent of utilization of information technology
- Determine the dangers posed by the introduction of Information Technology in secretarial education in Nigeria.
1.4 Significance of the study
The sophistication in-flow of Information has developed rapidly and vast. The researcher therefore felt it is important for all schools and particularly these concerned with business education to understand the implication, relevance and recognize the vital strategic control decision of it and its implications, relevance and recognize the vital strategic control decision of IT and its implication on secretarial education in Nigeria.
In order that the knowledge of information technology will help schools from being intimidated by the technical aspect of business education, it will also help students and lecturers to appreciate the importance of information technology on secretarial education in Nigeria.
1.5 Research questions
In the course of this research project, the following questions were asked;
- What is secretarial education?
- What are the courses involved in secretarial education?
- What are the revolutions in secretarial education in Nigeria today?
- What is the importance of secretarial education in schools?
1.6 Scope of the study
The study covers the secretarial education, the students and the courses they covered, information revolution, advances made in technology, the secretarial education and the application of information technology on secretarial education in Nigeria.
1.7 Limitations of the study
This study is limited to factors such as the respondents unwillingness to give adequate information required for this research work inadequate questionnaires and the limited number of students using the information technology equipment in their institutions.
1.8 Definition of terms
Communication: The process of passing information from the sender in a way the receiver will understand it.
Data: Facts or information certainly known from which conclusion may be drawn.
Digital: It refers to a particular system of numbers binary digits. Digital are different from analogue system.
Electronic mail: It refers to mailing without physical carriage of the material mailed (i.e without postal services).
Global village: A strategy aimed at reducing the world to a small place
Information: This is the collection of facts which does convey new knowledge to its receive. It is a very essential tool for business operation.
Technology: Refers to the application of electronic equipment to the processing of data, transmission, storage and retrieval of the resulting information.
Network: Any communication channel liking people together. In communication technology, it refers to a system of cabling providing connection between communicating devices.
Satellite: A device in communication for relaying back message or receiving radio/TV signals.
Science: Knowledge obtained by observation and testing of facts.
Sophistication: This is having to do with complex or latest improvement and refinements.
Technology: It is that branch of knowledge dealings with scientific and industrial method and their physical use in industry.
Telex: System of communication using teleprinter.
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