This research work is aimed at studying the characteristics strength millet husk ash concrete, with sisal fiber reinforce to access the physical properties of millet husk ash, aggregate and sisal fiber. To determine the comprehensive strength of MHA/OPC in fibrus concrete. The data used were collected through review of related literature and laboratory works in which some test were carried out (i.e. Sieve analysis for fine and coarse aggregate, specific gravity, Bulk density, Moisture content, Workability). The cubes were cast with various percentage replacement of cement with millet husk ask (i.e. 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%). The cubes were cured for 28days. The comprehensive strength decreases as the percentage of MHA increases.The result shows that the compressive strength decreases as the percentage of MHA increases. However, the optimum result is obtained between 10% MHA,20% MHA and 30% replacement with strength of 28N/mm2, 24N/mm2and 18N/mm2respectively in 28 days hydration.
Leaving the waste materials to the environment directly can cause environmental problem. Hence the reuse of waste material has been emp”hasized. Waste can be used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste deposits. These industrial wastes are dumped in the nearby land and the natural fertility of the soil is spoiled(Jayeshkumar, 2012).
There is need for affordable building materials in providing adequate housing for the teaming populace of the world. The cost of conventional building materials continue to increase as the majority of the population continues to fall below the poverty line. Thus, there is the need to search for local materials as alternatives for the construction of functional but low-cost buildings in both the rural and urban areas.(Raheemet al., 2008). Some of the local materials that have been used are
“Fly Ash (FA), Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Groundnut Husk Ash (GHA), BaggaseAsh (BA) and Millet Husk ash (MHA)”(Jimohet al.,2013).
Continuous generation of wastes arising from industrial by-products and agricultural residue, create acute environmental problems both in terms of their treatment and disposal.
“The provision of building materials that are reasonably priced to the broad view of people in urban and rural areas has been recognized as one the obstructions to improved housing situations in developing countries. It is also a fact that setting up of state-of-the-art building materials”“industries based on the model of the developed countries can make negligible contribution in meeting the immediate needs of the developing world. In a related development, some of the conventional materials are imported and their prices are beyond what the average Nigerian can afford. As a outcome of this, to stop the tide of over dependence on these materials, efforts have been directed by various researchers in the direction of the local sourcing of alternative building materials that are not only reasonably priced but are durable”(Jimohet al.,2013).
“Concrete is anon-naturalengineering material made from acombination of Portland cement, water, fine and coarse aggregates, and a small amount of air. It is the most generally used construction material in the world (Microsoft Encarta, 2008).”
Concrete, is one of the most significant materials in modern construction today containing Building and Civil Engineering projects, its adaptability in terms of its workability i.e. its ability to be moulded into different shapes required makes it irreplaceable. Conventional concrete is a combined material containing fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and cement in predefined mix proportion. The combination gives concrete its characteristics density, which is high (2200kg/m3-2400kg/m3) and this limits its use in some structural works” (Portland Cement Association PCA 2004).
“The use of concrete today particularly in Nigeria cannot be over accentuated and bulk of these populations would not be able to afford a house of their own because of the cost of producing the conventional concrete (sand, gravel, and cement). Hence, the need to partially replace sandcement with millet husk ash (MHA). And sisal fiber as reinforcement material so as to have an overall reduced cost of concrete production and still maintaining a very good strength and workability”.
1.3 AIM
This study work is aimed at studying the strength characteristics of MHA concrete, and of sisal fiber reinforced concrete.
- To determine the physical properties of MHA, aggregate and sisal fiber.
- To carry out workability test on the MHA/OPC and sisalb fiber in concre
- To determine the compresive strenght of MHA/OPC in firbrus
- Based on the objective 1,2,3 above compare the result with the control results and make recomendation.
“The methodology to be adopted for this research work was to carry out laboratory test on concrete cubes with size (100×100×100) mm containing the constituent materials of cement, MHA, fine and coarse aggregate and sisal fiber as reinforcement with MHAin 0, 10 and 20 percentage and cured for 7, 21 and 28 days respectively then crushed to obtain their compressive and flexural strength respectively.”
“Slump test was carried out to determine the workability of the fresh concrete. Sieve analysis and specific gravity test were carried out on the constituent materials to determine their physical and properties.
The materials used were MHA, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement (ordinary Portland cement) and sisal fiber to be obtained from a nearby building material dealer in Minna, Niger state.
The following tests were carried out in the Building Department laboratory, FUT Minna.
- Sieve analysis.
- Specific gravity.
- Bulk density.
- Moisture content.
- Compressive strength”.
This project work is aimed to establishing the effect of partially replacing of OPC with MHA at different percentages in concrete, and its durability as reinforced with sisal fiber. This study carried out varies examinations on material properties to be used and the material are:
- Aggregate, both fine and coarse aggregate(sharp sand is used as fine aggregate)
- Millet Husk Ash used as partial replacement in concrete.
- Sisal Fiber.
According to Parker and James (1991) concrete is a mixture that contains a mass of loose inert particles of aggregates ( mostly of gravel and sand) held together in solid form by a binding agent, the loose particle consists of mineral fibers, industrial waste, wood chips and synthesis material. The binding agents could be gypsum, coal tar, Portland cement or various synthetic materials. Concrete is a composite material which is made up of fillers and binder. The binder (cement paste) glues the filler together to form a synthetic conglomerate. The constituents used for the binder are cement and water, while the filler can be fine or coarse aggregate.
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