The aim of this project is to evaluate sustainable strategies for effective management of public housing estate in Nigeria, in other words, the important of housing estate to mankind and it various uses some of which are public prosperities private and properties for its effective management for various development purpose. Thus the government promulgated various law to regulate or planning regulations, building bylaw and zoning regulation for an important research of the kind of project several forms of data collection methods and analysis are bound to be used, therefore this project work have corners comprehensively three sections.
The continuous rapid growth of population in Nigeria cities has produce large demand for housing throughout the country housing is generally reorganized to be one of the man basic needs and as such, have attract a great deal of attention in national planning and international discussion on development and management.
Azhar Kazmi (2008) state strategy is the long term of interpreted external oriented concept of how an organization or a firm will achieved its goals or objective, it consist of an interacted set such as strategic management which has to do with the dynamic process of formulation implantation, evaluation and control of strategies to realize the organization strategic intent.
Sundar (2002) in his book or text environmental and sustainable development, the common use of the word sustainable conote an ability to maintain some activities in the face of stress also it is the capability to maintain the productivity. Whether of a field or nation in the face of shock.
In the national housing policy (1991), the federal republic of Nigeria viewed that public estate are government supported housing programme decent, safe and sanitary housing at affordable cost to the low income earners of the society . in Nigeria stated by poju Ombakum (NISER) Ibadan 2000, public housing estate one often regarded as been more expensive when compared with similar until by non government agencies and individual. This is because of the very poor attention being paid to professional advice at micro and macro levels. It has suggested by world bank in its housing sector policy paper, Washington Dc 1975, that housing co clinging sites and services and other self help methods by constructions could be provided without significant subsidy for at least 80% of the population of most cities.
Allsop (1990), management is responsible for altering this objectives direction for established an organization either simple or complex with programs for production and distribution, planning accommodation, equipment, materials supplies storage facilities term of operative and staff appropriate to the work been done, coordination of efforts and outcome, financial provisions and assessing result.
Due and Byars in test management theory or application (2003). Lowing press, defined management as a process or forum of work that involves the guidance of direction of a group of people, towards organizational goals or objective.
Listokin et al (2007), have defined housing as a permanent structure that is a dwelling or place for habitation by human beings.
The term “house” includes many kinds of dwellings ranging from rudimentary hunts of nomadic tribes to free standing individual structures (Wikilipedia 2011).
Williams (2007) refers to it as a dwellings, place constructed as a home for one or more persons.
The research will examine the sustainable strategies for effective management of public housing estate in Nigeria by adopting to answer these questions.
- How effectively and adequate is the, management approach the management of public housing estate in Nigeria.
- How adequate is the technical abilities of these responsible for management the estate?
The aim of this term paper work is to examine the sustainable strategies for effective management of public housing estate in Nigeria.
In order to achieve the above aim, the following objectives should be put in place.
- To examine the management practices and possible management to adopt by either the management firm in the country.
- To review management issue related to public estate.
- To examine the werenth problem in management of public housing in Nigeria.
- To determine management ideas with regards to the obligations on the tenants and landlords to each other and to the building itself.
- To identify the problems and suggest whys of improvement.
The management of public housing estate has been neglected for ages, it can not be argued that public housing estate are in bad shape and has been felt by many government in the world particularly in developing countries notably among these countries in Nigeria.
Effective management of any residential is of importance not to the properties investors (landlord) but also to the individual tenants and society at large.
This is because an, effective management of these public estate will improve the standard of living of individual in the society due to the fact that a good housing condition and availability of ancillary services water disposal etc, tends to give the individuals and the entire society comfort and therefore this nature of study regard as the most significant.
Putting up a very good structure is not the only thing, but sound management and effective maintenance of the built structure. In view of this paper the management and maintenance of properties is fully discussed with particular emphasis on the adopted management principle in practice and discussed. The problems searing endurance on effective management and maintenance practice are examined.
Aside from the observed constraints and problem recommendations and suggestions to credicate the observed problem are given. However, the benefits which will be realized from the practice of property management and maintenance procedure are also highlight. The nature of management to some extent would definitely determine the level of management control. The nature of use to which the structure in question is subjected to is elaborated and the obligation of both the landlord owner and the tenant occupiers are closely emphasized. Finally, suggestions are proffered for improved management practices.
Mythology terms the main presentation process.
According to Galaty et al (1990), research methodology is the basic plan which guides the data collection and analysis phase of the research project in caring out this research on sustainable strategies for effective management of public housing estate in Nigeria, the source of data include: primary and secondary sources.
Primary sources consist of data collected at first hand by the researcher himself from their original source. These data could be obtained through direct observation, interviews and even personal contact.
On the other hand secondary data consist of figures and are used at second hand as basic for different enquires such data usually collected from textbooks, journals, pamphlets etc.
In order to justify the motive behind the research work, information had been collected mostly from primary sources through observation, records and personal contact. This is to ensure and implicit understanding of the background limitation and the intricacies of such data, unlike when the research depends solely on the secondary data.
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