Groundnut and palm Oils were purchased from Nasarawa main market and local method was used to prepare the oil in this study. All of the vegetable oil produced conformed physicochemical to the standards established by the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) and Codex Alimentarius Commission. The highest FA (fatty acid) is from the palm acid in all of the two oils and ranged from 4.30-5.56, while the principal saponification value ranges from 186-198 at low levels. In all, the physicochemical analyses of the groundnut and palm oils extracted locally, showed some significant differences.
Vegetable oil is an important and widely used lipid source for our every day (diet product). Its application is increasing day by day for food purposes and manufacturing of a number of toiletry products. However, some vegetable oil are not up to standard to meet consumer satisfaction in terms of their physicochemical properties or for the texture and stability of the food products (Reyes et al, 2007).The food value of the edible lipid also depends on chemical properties like iodine value, peroxide value, saponification value etc, as well as or some physical properties like solidification, temperature, colour appearance etc. To impede the solidification some oil at low temperature, used lipase catalyzed self and found that the melting point temperature of red oil is reduced substantially (vamane et al, 2000)
Groundnut oil and palm fruit oil are both vegetable oil. Groundnut oil the poor or peanut (arachis hypogeal inn) is commonly called the mans nut. It is an important oil seed and food crop. It is native to south America, it is grown annually principally for its edible oil and protein rich kernels seeds, borne in pods which develop and mature below the soil and worm temperature zones and widely grown in Nigeria. Groundnut oil is extracted from the seeds of the groundnut oil is extracted from the seeds of the groundnut plant, arachis hypogaea. It is important food oil, with a good flavor, high quality and low free fatty acid value. The fatty acid composition and physicochemical analysis of samples obtained from different varieties have been investigated due to its high content of mono-saturated fatty acids; it is considered healthier than oil with saturated fatty acids and is relatively resistant to palm oil is edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruits of the oil palms primarily the African oil elaeis guneesis. Palm oil is naturally reddish in colour because of high beta-carotene content. Palm mesocarp oil is41% saturated while palm kernel oil is 81% saturated fats. Palm oil is one of the most few highly vegetable fats and is semi-solid at room temperature like most plant-based products, palm oil condense very little cholelesterol. Palm oil is a common cooking ingredient in the tropical belt of Africa, south East Asia and parts of the world is wild spread because of its lower cost and high oxidative stability of the refined product when used for frying. Palm oil is used to produce both methyl ester and hydride oxygenated biodiesel. Palm oil is an important source of calories and a food staple in poor communities, palm oil also could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (Anyasor et al 2009).
This study covers two vegetable: palm tree oil (elaeis guineensis) and groundnut oil (Arachis hypogaea). Their oil was extracted locally and the physicochemical properties listed below were analyzed for industrial and economic benefit.
Saponification value
Iodine value
Peroxide value
Free fatty acid value
There are numerous vegetables oil derived from various source. These include the popular vegetables oil; cotton seed, peanut and sunflower oil, and others such as palm oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa nut oil and others. The significance of this study is that results and finds of the study would provide whole lots of informative data what would attract a massive attention of readers to the use of this oil in question for their nutritional and industrial benefit.
Each year new varieties of peanuts are introduced somewhere in the peanut belt of the US or in other counties. Introducing a new variety may mean change in the planting rate, adjusting the planter, harvester, dryer, cleaner, Sheller, and method of marketing. Most peanuts marketed in the shell are the Virginia type along with some Valencia’s selected for large size and the attractive appearance of the shell. The various types are distinguished by branching habit and branch length. There are two main growth forms: bunch and runner. Bunch types grow upright, while runner types grow near the ground. Certain types are preferred for particular uses because of differences in flavor, oil content, size, and shapes. For many uses the different types are interchangeable. Spanish peanuts are used mostly for peanut candy, salted nuts, and peanut butter. Most runners are used to make peanut butter.
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