• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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This project is on a topic, The Impact Of Leadership  On EmployeesPerformance (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria, Keffi). This study  aim at running a successful business and also to inspire your employees to pull together toward the achievement of shared business goals. To attain this objectives, you must acquire certain leadership skills. The project highlights the impact, important and essence of leadership style on employees performance. In other to get necessary data in the study, both primary and secondary sources of data collection where used, questionnaire where also administered, percentage where also used to analyze the data and chi-square was used for data analysis and testing of hypothesis in the cause of this project work. The project work provide the result that leadership capability can be learned and developed, therefore successful leaders are made not born, Findings also shows that training and development can increase productivity and help to motivate employee thereby enhancing leadership style.The researcher put the following recommendations which will go a long way to help employees’ performance, which includes that to be an effective leader one must be able to switch flexibility among the leadership styles as needed, It is important to note that leadership style influence level of motivation.



Leadership can refer to both the process of leading and to those entities that do the leading.

Leadership has been a central and sometime controversial in the study of organization (Ardier 1991). In spite of claims to contrary there is substantial evidence that leadership is positively related to variety of individual and organizational outcome leader by their very one are responsible for making decision. In competitive environment leaders do not merely impose goals on followers but work with other to create a shared sense of purpose and direction (Bass and Stogdill 1989). Leaders primarily work through and with other people. They also help to establish the conditions that also enable others to be effective.

Leadership is a function more than a role although leadership is often  invested in or expected of persons in position of formal authority.

Leadership encompasses a set of function that may be performed by any different persons in different roles throughout a community.

Leadership of this country is a combination of earnest employee relationship and internal meaningful achievement great leaders have learned how to assimilate and execute many styles of leadership.

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people.

A balanced leadership style include the creation of a positive work culture constructing opportunities where the team’s expertise is visible internally and externally maintaining consistent communication between team members and other department sustain a certainty in the company’s direction and acknowledgement of individual member.


The interest in the influence of leadership styles on employees performance represent an alternative to the traditional focus on the leaders as the center of attention and power, the qualities of leaders are obviously important especially in teamwork. In particular, leaders need the skill to engage followers in productive and satisfying mutual pursuits. Leadership is one of those qualities that you know when you see it but difficult to describe. There are almost as many definitions as there are commentators many associate leadership with one person leading. Four things stand out in this respect first to lead involves influencing others. Second, where there are followers, third leader seem to come to any of the fore when there is crisis or special problem. In other word they often become visible when an innovative response is needed. Fourth, leaders are people who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why.

Thus, leaders are people who are able to think and act creatively in non-routine situation and who set out to influence the action beliefs and feeling of others. An important factor in the leadership process is the relationship that has with individual followers. It is important to note that organizational system’s progress toward change continuous. As one may want to integrate a leadership change one should describe its perspective in position in terms using the benefits to the company’s apprehension of a change in the style.
Also managers often fall to appreciate how profanity organizational climate can influence financial result by leadership style by the way that managers motivate direct reports, gather and use information to make decision.

However, this is a departure from the usual way of seeing leader qualities as possessions rather than interpersonal link to other involved in share activities (HBR 2000).


Below is the statement of problem for this research work.

Most managers mistakenly assume that leadership style is a function of personality rather than strategic choice. They most times fail to go for their personal interest for organizational goal. Other problems that affect leadership style are lack of vision and advance in technology.

Although, the qualities of leaders are obviously important especially in team of work in particular, leaders need the skill to engage follower in productive and satisfying mutual pursuits.


The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of leadership style on organization a case Study of First Bank Nig. Plc. Other objectives include:

  1. To identify the best style of leadership.
  2. To ascertain whether leaders are born or made.

iii.    To establish how employees employers interest in the banking sector improved.

  1. To ensure adequate management employees so as to enhance profitability.
  2. To establish that happy employees result in happy customers and efficiency in the organization.
  3. To establish the importance of training and motivation on an organization.

vii.   And finally to emphasize the importance of leadership style in any organization most especially in the banking sector like First Bank of Nigeria private sector and Nigerian economy as a whole.


It is desired that the information from this research can be of great value to the people in both public and private sector and their management. In particular student researchers and any other interested parties. It will expose them to present and enable them anticipate the future state of leadership style on the banking sector of especially First Bank Nigeria plc. Others include:

  1. It will aid the reader to know the importance of leadership style on employee’s performance.
  2. It will aid managers/leaders to refocus their attention on best ways to handle issues as situation changes in the organization rather than focus on their personality.
  3. It will encourage researchers to make use of information gathered.
  4. It will enable management to know the importance of training and development on leaders.


  1. Can a good leadership performance motivate change in an organization?
  2. Have these leadership styles actually improve the staff performance in an organization?

iii.    To what extent have the impact of leadership affect employees performance level of motivation in an organization?


Research hypothesis is the “road map” for solving the research problem. It shows the beginning point of the research, its direction and its terminus.

H0:   Effective and proper leadership style has not improved employee’s morale and performance.

Hi:    Effective and proper leadership style has improved employee’s morale and performance.


The study on the assessment of leadership style on employees focuses on first Bank Nigeria plc.

Leadership refers to the initiative or ability of a person (or group) to mobilize or influence internal and external stakeholders to achieve desired results.

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people. In this study, six basic leadership styles will be considered each derives from different emotional intelligence competencies works best in particular situation and affects the organizational climate in different ways they include.

The coercive style, authoritative style, affiliative style, democratic style, pace setting style and coaching style. The study will encompass the historical background of leadership style, its theoretical framework, importance of leadership style and barrier to effective employee management most especially in the banking sector like the First Bank of Nigeria plc as well as consequent suggestions and recommendation as to further improve efficiency of employees performance in the First Bank Nigeria plc and other sector of the Nigerian economy.


In the course of the study, some limitations were envisaged typically, among this limitations are limited time, shortage of funds, lack of availability of all necessary material and difficulties in collection of data from the banking sector like First Bank Nigeria Plc under study. However with proper and adequate planning the limitation were reduced to the barest minimum. Hence the research work is valid for relevant uses.


  1. LEADER: Massie and Douglas (1977) maintain that leaders characteristically “induce” or “inspire”.
  2. LEADERSHIP: Nwadike (2002) sees leadership as a process where one person exerts social influence over the member of a group.
  3. LEADERSHIP STYLE: Situation theory (1969) assumes that the style of leadership adopted by the manager is dependent on the nature of subordinates.
  4. EMPLOYEE: A person who hired to provide service to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these service as part of an independent business.
  5. MANAGER: At Wal-Mart, managers employ a combination of people management with task skills and modern technology
  6. MANAGEMENT: According to McGraw Hill (1986), management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the work or organizational resource to reach stated Organization goals.
  7. PERSONALITY:Allport (1972) opined that personality is an individual distinctive behaviour which is only unique to him but different toward other individuals in the society.
  8. MOTIVATION: Edwin I. Singer (1975) defined motivation as an encouragement given to a trainee to make him or her work quicker and effectively.
  9. TRAINING: According to Michael Armstrong (1995), training is the systematic development of knowledge skill attribute required by individual to perform adequately in a given task or job.


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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284