This research work is conducted with a view to determining or highlighting the role of women in community development. Nsukka Local Government council of Enugu State is used as a case study. In doing this, both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized, while simple random sampling technique was used. At the end of the entire study, it was realized that women played significant roles in community development especially in the areas of political, economic, families and socio-cultural development. It is equally realized that women could still do better if free hand is given to them to have sense of belonging, respond to matters that concern them like health care services and enough awareness.
Promoting gender equality is now globally accepted as a development strategy for reducing poverty level among women and men, improving health and living standard and enlacing efficiency of public investment.
The attainment of gender equality is not only seen as an end in itself and human rights issue but as a prerequisite for achievement of sustainable development. Gender equality and women empowerment continue to be central themes in global treaties, covenant and deotarations because, they are now acknowledge as catalysts to people (entired development strategies because on poverty reduction, improved standard of living and good government, good governance, attainment of Millennium Development goals (MDGS) and other global targets like international labour organization (ILO), Education for all, environment reduction of HIV.AIDs etc with the introduction of Millennium Development Goals, more vigorous global and national attentions are now drawn to fusing gender policies that will tough the life of the people, (MDGs) armed at achieving gender equality and women empowerment and this is not only of intrinsic value in itself, but also central to the attainment of all the other MDGS.
The research is trying to look at the role of women in Community Development, trying to look at the activities of male and female, they roles in community development it is obvious that male dominated societies of the social relations and activities of Nigeria women and men are governed by partition system of sectionalization and cultural factices which favour the interest of men above the women.
Women are critics step for mainstreaming gender into governance especially with respect to politics and public life in order to liberate for a free flow economy and development.
As a researcher, the problems identified that prompted the researcher into the research work is due to some challenges facing women and this preventing them from actively participating in community development again. Maternal health especially in the significance reduction of maternal.
Mortality and morbidity has not received enough attention from gender development and human right organization and even less attention has been paid to it by arms of government in the country.
In pursuit of the realization of the fourth and fifth millennium development goals and following the recognition of the fact that the socio-cultural determinants of maternal mortality and their human rights implications are within the mandate of federal ministry of women Affairs and social Development (FMWASD).
Again, research work has shown that most of these problems do affect local areas, more than often. The role of women in community development. A case study of Nsukka Local Government, has been choosen for a special research in order to ascertain how women can also actively participate in community Development and even politics and also their challenges which solutions to those problem will also be specified.
Research questions are meant to enable the research gain more insight into the subject matter of the study in examining the role of women in community development. The research will find answers to the following key questions.
- What are the causes of high maternal mortality rate which are so ramplered as a major challenge facing our women.
- What are the major challenges facing women and what possible solutions can be proffered to such problems or challenges?
- Do those problems only compound the risk of women’s formidable obstacles to development?
- How do we determine and evaluate maternal health indication
- What are the roles of women in community development?
- How can women be empowered in order to enable them participate actively in governance and even in government?
The objective of the studying will be examining the roles of women in community development, choose a topic on the role of women in community development, using Nsuka Local Government Area of Enugu State as a case study, other specific objective of the study include the followings:
- The objective of this study will enable the researcher to identify the problems nor challenges confronting our women in our communities town and villages.
- It will also help to address mortality challenges facing our women in the society.
- This will awaken our women so as to actively participate in community development in order to enable them with up with their various challenges.
- Programmes and project can also be expose to women in order to involves them in government and transformation of our societies.
- Finally, the objective will also bring about improvement of standard living of our women in order to foster change and progress to the nation at large.
This work deals primarily with the role of women in community development.
A topic of this nature is definitely, demand in term of time and financial implications in view of this, the study is limited to Nsukka Local Government Area from 2008 to 2009 which were under study and due research.
The limitation of this research work is restricted only on the role of women in community development. A case study of Nsukka Local Government of Enugu State.
The limitation which would not permit the researcher to be two elaborate, as basic challenge are listed below:
- Lack of relevant material this goes a long way affecting researcher, when maternal meant to be use are not in place like handout, text book, Journals etc.
- Poor library also contribute to constrains limiting the researcher which can not enable them to go far in their project research work.
- Lack of finance this also affect researcher. This tend to bring about discouragement when capital, nor money are not in place to support research work.
Lastly, inadequate time frame. This is because apart from the research work researcher do faced with order challenges ranging from, personnel difference and as at this record of research under study.
The importance of this study is multidimensional among other things, the research project is important for the following reasons.
First, it will serve as partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of Higher National Diploma in Public Administration.
Secondly, the successful completion of the study will help to enhance the active participation of women in community development as well as to identify the major challenges facing them.
Thirdly, the findings and recommendation of the research project will be immense assistance to the Local Government in Formulating policies that will further promote community development and most especially the involvement of women.
Finally, the research work will serves as a reference point for future research in similar areas.
- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Can be defined as process by which the effort of the people themselves are united with those government authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of their community.
- GENDER EQUALITY: This can be defined as the equal enablement of both gender male and female in order to enable them make decision and policy implementation so as to bring about good governance and development.
- AN ORGANIZATION: Is an open social system made up of many inter-related sub-system where human and material resources are brought together resulting in out put.
- SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: This can be summarily describe as the process of organizing man energies and activities at higher level.
- DEVELOPMENT: Can be defined as the re-organization and re-orientation of the entire economy and social system in addition to improvement income and output.
- COMMUNITIES: Can be defined as a group of people living together in one place or having a common religion, customs, norms belief culture or race.
- PUBLIC ORGANIZATION: This can be defined as a bureaucratic organization that is responsible for the implementation of policy of the government.
- ROLE: This can be defined as a function or parting which one or workers nor persons reform in an organization.
- GOVERNMENT: This can be defined as the governing body of a state or the system by which a state is governed.
This research project is divided into five chapter, chapter one is the introductory chapter and contains the background to the study, statement of the study, scope and significance of the study.
Chapter two: deals with literature review/appraisal review.
In chapter three: Research methodology is presented, here the research population and samples research design method of research used are all presented.
Chapter four: Deals with data presentation analysis of data and finding.
Chapter five more or less deals with the summary of findings recommendation and conclusion.
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