This research work is specifically carried out to investigate the Impact of Motivation on Job Performance in Tertiary Institutions using College of Agriculture A.BU. Kabba as the Case Study. The emphasis is on the different motivation tools offered by different theories and its application in College of Agriculture A.B.U Kabba. The sources/methods used in data collection were basically primary and secondary sources. The data were analyzed using a simple percentage method for easy understanding. It was realized that motivation has an impact on performance ranging from minimized rate of staff turnover, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity an creation of good public image. The findings also revealed that non-implementation of the motivation tools will lower morale of workers towards increased productivity and influences them to work negatively. At the end of the research, it was recommended that there should be a free flow of communication in the work place.
Tertiary institutions are created for the purpose of attaining specific goals. Thus, each institution’s resources, including human and material, are budgeted, directed, co-ordinated and controlled towards the attainment of set down goals of the institution.
Special attention must be paid to the employees. That is, the human resources of the institution which include the academic and non-academic staff responsible for the effective and efficient running of the institution. That is why adequate measures must be taken towards motivating the entire staff of tertiary institution.
Motivation is thus a means of acknowledging and understanding of the needs, wants, feelings, ideals of employee by boosting their full abilities and knowledge in their work. Though financial benefit or non financial nature etc. human beings are different in nature, differs from the way they think, which has always becomes difficult for management to choose the best motivational method that suits each employees.
We must, however, note that man does not delight in cake alone, they sometimes need a little pushing and pulling to help either their performance. Because man attaches much importance to their jobs as a source of substance, they could adhere to strict instructions, but these should not be used as a means of manipulating or victimizing them, because this could end up making them act contrary to expectation.
Various models have been suggested by renowned man, showing the behavior of various kinds of human beings and how they can be motivated to maximum performance via the application of the right model.
Conclusively, it is important to stress at this point that if adequate measures are taken towards motivating staff in tertiary institution by the management, there will be corresponding increase in productivity and efficiency.
Paid employment is comparatively a new development in Nigeria. Before the advent of the colonial masters, only few Nigerians were engaged in paid employment. Therefore, wage employment started with the activities of early European explorers.
As work force increased, though the European tried to induce workers with high rate of payment, some of the problems emerged were often a company with multiannual and cultural background where people worked together. However management set about tackling these problems and government reaction formed the background of motivation and poor attitude to work of Nigeria workers. The resultant effect is that those in good positions filled that gap by indulging in all priviledge exhibit poor attitude to work, which is now a cankerworm in our society.
With the above background, this project work seeks to look critically into the problems associated with workers’ motivation in organizations mainly in tertiary institution and the different measures of motivational techniques that can be employed by both the management and government to enhance high productivity in Nigeria particularly College of Agriculture Ahmadu Bello University (A.B.U) Kabba.
In the Nigerian context, there is a wider disparity between what is obtainable in the theories of motivation and real life situation.
Having stated the problems facing worker in tertiary institutions in Nigeria in their work environment, this study is meant to achieve the following objectives:
- To identify different motivational models that, when appropriately applied, will change negative attitude of staff in tertiary institutions towards their work.
- To examine the various impacts motivations have on staff performance in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
- To recommend motivational models that will enhance sustainable staff performance.
At the end of the study, the research work will become a veritable instrument for other researcher who may want to research on similar topic and the recommendations will be of immense benefit to tertiary institution in Nigeria especially College of Agriculture A.B.U Kabba. It will serve as a guide for strategic use of motivation as a tool to boost their staff morale thereby increasing productivity.
The research will also be of a great importance to all organizations and managements in Nigeria. Because the study will unfold the motivational techniques that when properly applied will help in getting the productivity from the employees.
It will equally be of a great help to the students of school of Management studies. Students who will go into research of similar problem there after will find it very suspenseful. It is worthy of note that the project work will be of much benefit especially for broadening our intellectual horizon and also serves as a process by which theoretical knowledge required in the classroom is beaded with what operates in practices.
Having understood the background of this project and statement of problem associated with the study, the researcher wishes to find solutions to the following questins:
- Does adequate motivation serve as motivational tool for achieving superior staff performance?
- Is lack of high performance by academic staff due to lack of commitment of management and government to manpower development in Nigeria?
- Is there alienating of dissatisfied workers in their work?
It is necessary that the scope of this study be limited in order to achieve more in depth to this project. To analyze the possible impact motivation will have on staff performance in tertiary institutes in Nigeria and also a survey of staff performance in tertiary institutions in Nigeria and also a survey of staff performance, in College of Agriculture A.B.U Kabba and how they can be motivated.
In the course of this study, the researcher encountered a lot of problem which limited the scope of the study. For instance, the number of books (textbooks) needed to effectively carryout the research was limited and some were not found in the library and due to financial constrains, I was unable to buy some of those textbooks which could give me a face with uncompromising attitude of those who are in better position to give me vital information relating to this research.
NEEDS: These are state of field deprivation of some genetic satisfaction arising out of the human condition.
They exist in the every texture of human biology and human condition. Need are different from wants, which are specific ways which we wish to satisfy our needs, while intentions are decision to acquire specific satisfier under given terms and conditions.
MOTIVES: Is a need or driving force within a person. It is a stimulated need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person towards the goals of satisfying the need. Motives are driven desires whishes etc
THEORY X: Is based on the assumption that, employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility, loves security and must be coerced to perform.
THEORY Y: Is based on the assumption that employees like work are creative, seek responsibilities, and can exercise self-direction. It is a modern approach to human resources. It is an optimistic, dynamic and flexible approach and beliefs in the integrating of individual need with organizational demands.
MORALE: Can be combination of many factors. It is the state of a person (or a group) feeling and attitudes.
EMPLOYERS: These are those who employ and/or acquire groups to work in an organization. They are responsible for rewarding their individuals.
EMPLOYEES: These are people acquired by employers to work in an organization, for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.
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