WHAT IS TAXATION: Taxation has been given various definitions by different author’s some of these definitions are as follows.
OKEKE (1994:254) Defines tax as a payment compulsorily made to individuals, companies, cooperate bodies by the government or governmental agency for the public use.
STEIN (1991:14) defines tax as a means by which the government raises revenue to meet its expenditure. It may also be used as a means of influencing or controlling the economy.
OSITA (2004:1) defines tax as the compulsory levy by government through the various agencies in the income, capital consumption of its subjects.
ONAOLAPO (1988:3) defines taxation generally as hew process or machinery by which communication or group of persons are made to contributes part of their income in some agreed quantum or method for the purpose of the administration and development at the society as a whole.
AGYEI (1983:2) defines taxation as transfer of resource from the private sector in order to accomplish some of the nations economics and social goal.
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