Wright and Noe (1995) states that organisation institute s teamwork because they expect higher productivity and profit, greater flexibility and better ability to attract and retain good employees.
The importance of teamwork is as follows;
1) Higher quality and productivity and profit;
Humphery (2009) said, many organisations have credited teamwork with improvement in quality productivity and profitability. To establish and maintain a competitive edge in the quality of their goods and services organisations should continually make improvement.
These incremental improvements to product and processes will most likely be made when employees at all levels are directly involved in the case of team work.
Alughnes, (2009) also said team improves productivity in the same way improve quality. That is, they give employees the means by which they can make continuous improvement in work process.
These improvement should improve employees efficiency As well as the quality and productivity rise so do profits. Teamwork also boosts profitability by reducing cost. At organisation that seeks to cut costs by eliminating layers of management decision making is transferred to employees further down the hierarchy. Teams are a structure within which such decision can take place successfully.
2. Greater flexibility
Leonard, (2000 successfully organisation, excel by meeting the specialised needs of their customers requirements. As a result , organisation today must be flexible.
Strom (2003).Teams can improve flexibility because team members board skills and job descriptions enable them to adopt processes quickly. Switching to a different order to addressing new customers needs routinely for such in formation and authority to direct their expertise and to commitment towards satisfying these needs.
3. Greater responsiveness to change.
Kalzenbach and Smith (2009) said, not most organisation responsiveness to variations in customer demand. It must be able to respond to boarder environment changes. Change affecting one area of the organisation quickly has a major impact on other areas. For the organisation to respond fast, the employees who implement strategies must be involved in decisions about those strategies.
A logical way to create the necessary involve decision making is transferred to employees further down the hierarchy. Teams are a structure within which such decision can take place successfully.
4. Greater flexibility.
Leonard, (2000 successful organisation excel by meeting the specialised needs of their customers. They tailor their products and delivery schedules to each customers requirements. As a result organisation today must be flexible.
Strom, (2003). Teams can improve flexibility because team members broad skills and job description enable them to adopt processes quickly. Switching to a different order to addressing new customers needs routinely for such team. Team members have the skills information and authority to direct their expertise and commitment toward satisfying these needs.
5. Greater responsiveness to change.
Kaizenbach and smith (2007) said not most organisation responsive to variations in customer demand. It must be able to respond to broader environment changes. Change affecting one area of the organisation quickly has a major impact other areas. For the organisation to respond fast, the employees who implement strategies must be involved in decision about those strategies. A logical way to create the necessary involvement of these employees is to use teams
6. Better ability to attract and retain good employees
Strom, (2003), considering that an organisations source of sustainable competitive advantage is its people ; an important test of teamwork can make an organisation more attractive to current employees. Teamwork alter a chance to meet social needs and enjoy a sense of involvement and achievement. It can make work more interesting and it is a good fit with the high value modern employees place in participation in decision making and on opportunity to do something meaningful.
When teamwork offers an organisation a more attractive employees, it enables the organisation to hire and keep the best people, and employees will be reluctant to leave such an organisation, they can contribute any ways to realizing the organisations objective.
Argotes, I. & McGragth, J.E (1995): Group processes in organisations: Continuity and changes Pp.383 in C.L. cooper & I.T. Roberson (Ed). I international review of industrial and organisational Psychology. Vol. 8.New York: John Wiley & sons.
Leonard, H.S., & Freedman A.M (2000): From scientific management through fun and games to high-performance teams: A historical perspective on consulting to team-based organisations. Consulting psychology Journal: Practice and Research,
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Senecal, J., Loughead, T.M., & Bloom, G.A. (2008).A season-long team-building intervention: Examining the effect of team goal setting on cohesion. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 30.186-199.
Kirkman, B, L., Jones R.G., & Shapiro, D.L. (2000): Why do employees resist team? Examming the ‘’ resistance barrier ‘’ to work team effectiveness. (DVD) International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 74-92.
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