Challenges in Managing Multiple Project
Research into MPEs has been very focused on the challenges within multiple-project management. The confusing character of the result says more about the achievement factor within researching this difficult subject than about the factors influencing the challenges in MPEs (Patanakul & Milosevic, 2009, Dietrich & Lehtonen, 2005, Cooke-Davies, 2002).
The studies have maintained a conclusion with general sense which assumed the understanding of challenges. Conversely, the research proof to date has relied deeply on difficulty in managing multiple-projects that cause challenges in management (Caniëls & Bakens, 2011, Aritua et al., 2009).Complication is not of necessity a new challenge, but an old challenge that is being increasingly acknowledged and recognized as a key to improving performance and understanding of management (Aritua et al., 2009).
Multiple projects management is look with more challenges than single project management due to the difficulty of the surroundings and organizations associated to processes and project lifecycle. The difficulty arises from interdependence and uncertainty in management which is the primarily serious features of environment in developing effectiveness in organizational management (Griffin et al., 2007).
Interdependence means that a preference or action by any individual or system may be affected by having dissimilar impacts related to other individuals or systems (Mitleton-Kelly, 2003). It is by having many aspects or phases that this preference or action is interconnected. Example of the forms of interdependence are task interdependence in which one job serves as input or output to another job and also interdependence between jobs or roles, team or organizations (Morgeson & Humphrey, 2008).
Conversely, there has been slight proof based on the interdependency in management. In addition, partial research thought has focused on the uncertainty that occurs in managing the multiple projects environment. Uncertainty in management reflects the irregularity in the inputs, processes and outputs of work systems (Wall et al., 2002).
By undertaking activities with lack of plan on complete action in projects, unfamiliarity of local resources and environment and lack of consistency will therefore bring about an irregular environment (de Orue et al., 2009). The organization will be forced by these factors in meeting project deadlines to achieve high organizational performance (Laslo & Goldberg, 2008). Hence creating challenges for project managers liable for the generally success of delivering projects (Martyn James et al., 2008).
So far the border between the difficulty challenge and effectiveness in delivering projects contained by MPEs within the construction industry is not principally discussed (Shehu & Akintoye, 2010), although the acknowledgement on this issue is acknowledged in practice within the construction industry (Chinowsky et al., 2011, Görög, 2011, Bankvall et al., 2010, Dubois and Gadde, 2002).
Conversely, the broad research on this connection is subjected by the broader management environment. Researchers (Grant & Parker, 2009, Morgeson & Hump hrey, 2008, Griffin et al., 2007, Wall et al., 2002) suppose that difficulty from interdependence will establish the degree of work roles that are surrounded in a broader social system and determine whether an individual is effective by managing their responsibilities individually within an organization or wants support from broader social context of the organization. Also, complexity from uncertainty will determine may be an individual is effective by meeting the terms with the requirements of a work role or by adapting to and commencing change. Therefore, as both interdependence and uncertainty are growing in the management of most organizations, it is mainly important to pursue and put together perspectives in managing multiple projects around the construction industry.
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