Challenges in Construction Projects
Construction project are been left undone in various part of the country even after huge monetary backup and mobilization and it has become a very crucial problem to be solved in the industry. Most of thesepublic projects that arein the construction firms are at times backup financially by government agencies. Different causes have been identified for these kick and stop syndrome, the most prominent factorwhich is poor project analysis and site management. Other thing noticed include fluctuation in prices, lack of health and safety practices on site during construction, locally made materials not accepted generally for construction and challenges in importation of foreign materials assubstitutes. The construction firm also has few absorptive capacity added to shortage of indigenous manpower required to plan, manage, and to execute contracts won.
Delay occurs in projects when project are extended (new operations are added to the previous works) or serious problems are encountered during construction process and hard to tackle which result in escalation of cost.To take care of these additional costs, it is normal to allow a percentage of project cost as variation or changes allowances priced in the bill of quantity and this allowance is usually based on judgment (Akinsola, 1996). Most times the contract parties agree upon the extra time and cost associated with delay, and in many cases there are always difficulty between the client and contractor as to either the contractor is granted the extra cost. Situations like the see vent in questioning facts, causal factors and contract interpretations
(Alkasset al., 1996). So now, delays experienced in construction projects causes’ dissatisfaction to all parties involved in the project hence the project manager makes sure these factors are dealt with and project are completed within stipulated time and within the calculated monetary finance. Various researches have been done on factors causing delays and cost overruns, and quality control, health and safety with productivity, etc. and special problems encountered in unique types of projects. These researches take note of specific aspects of project performance. Professionals need to acquire a great foresight to detect possible problems likely to face bothongoing and future projects. Identifying these factors and causes of project failure on previous projects is a good thing to do in the construction industry.(Long et al., 2004).
More importantly, factors listed above are meant to assist on time completion of projects. Sometimes the variations and changes made in construction projects could be very much when compared with the actual project fund in financial terms and this is prominent in Nigeria where inflation is on the increase every time. Identifying the main challenges in project management in the Nigerian construction firm could be traced to the client (promoters), the consultant (professionals), and the contractors (implementers) actions.
1. The promoters related challenges:
• Defining the project;
• Insufficient fund to finance the project; and
• Handling of the construction site to the implementer.
2. The consultant identified challenges:
• Flaws in designs and incorrect drawings.
• Error in preparation of documentation and referencing. (Document like the health and safety plans, bill of quantities etc.); and
• Lack of project organizing, coordinating and management skills.
• Bribery and corruption on the part of the consultant.
• Noticing and fulfilling changes.
• Ambiguous designs and build ability problems; and
3. The contractors identified challenges:
• In consistence in contractors;
• Inexperienced workmanship and quake on site;
• Low standard materials used on site; and
• Not compliance with standards and specifications
• Delay in completing the project on time.
In summary the promoters (clients) do some statics of odds and danger in executing his project. Competent, able and capable contractor takes care of the mentioned challenges through the experienced acquired in the past projects executed. This ability is measured in terms of logistics, high technology equipment, wealth of the contractor, and internal capital base (Lock, 1983; Vine-Lott, 1979; Matthew, 1976; Ikegwuru, 1986). Other important variables are rain disturbance and variation in weather condition, project changes, conflicts and contract disagreement, site habilitating problems, and complicated nature of projects.
Price Fluctuations
Time taken for award of contract causes delay in awarding contract causing a lot of setbacks in the completion of project in the list following. Price fluctuates and it goes on an increase level introducing a lot of uncertainty in construction, as the base bench mark is generally calculated 28 days before the bid submission if delay is experienced in awarding the contract on the first month after commencements of the work there is a fluctuation of price accounted. If the cost of materials changes suddenly, the cost of procuring a project goes up. e.g. Steel price in the recent past has gone up very rapidly due to short supply of steel in the world market, The reason been that for the above was China has purchased bulk quantity of steel from the world market which is required for the infrastructure development.Strict environmental restriction imposed by the government has caused many problems in the construction industry including increase in cost as a result of high price of sand, strict warning in blasting of rocks for aggregate, sand harvesting also has caused cost overruns.
Shortage of skilled labour in construction industry is a big problem to be overcome, so the contractor involved in construction should only involve skill labour from faraway places if necessary than involve quack around construction projects. They could be paid high salaries provided with other facilities to produced quality job, which put an increase to labour rate.Price increase in imported materialsfluctuate price where materials have to be imported, prices of materials goes up for site of use. Cost have to be incurred for shipping those materials into the country likewise cost of transportation to the place of use (site of construction). When the value of the local currency comes down, large cost is incurred to procure foreign materials which aid price fluctuations in construction projects.
Poor Workmanship
Poor workmanship is very common and known damage in construction sites in the world. Workers on construction site with no doubt have challenges and dispute when carrying out their function. According to Baiden and Tuuli (2004), deviation from standards in terms of materials and products produced is a consistent problem experienced in construction industry in Ghana. Kazaz and Birgonul (2005) also said that quality level has not been achieved in construction projects in Turkey and it has generated a serious problem over there. Abdul Razak et al. (2010) noted that some certain projects constructed in Malaysia have not meet satisfaction of their clients and owners. Factors influencing poor construction work in construction industry according to Abdul Rahmanet al. (1996), workmanship was grouped as one of the most frequent non-conformance on construction site. Through literatures reviews, eight variables were selected relating to causes of poor quality in construction projects. The variables are:
- Inexperience labours and incompetent workers
- Poor communication as a result of language barrier.
- Lack of skills in project management
- Limited time in construction projects
- Complicated role of subcontractor
- Limited cost available for project work
- Unsuitable construction equipment
- Rain disturbance and Poor weather condition
Ways of reducing quality/ poor workmanship problems. Six measures have been identified by researchers in order to minimize workmanship quality problem. The six measures are:
- Proper supervision of works
- Training and education of workers
- Improved communication between professional and parties involved.
- Good construction and project management
- Good workforce management
- Workable design
Accident during Construction
The highest risk and hazards are recorded in the construction firm compared to other industry. “Improper use of equipment and machine on site makes construction site unsafe, hazardous and risky to workers on site and these factors are hard to manage because of changes made every time in the handling of hand and heavy equipment, modification and dismantling of scaffoldings, digging (of manholes, trenches and septic tanks) and use of climbing equipment. Construction accidents which are prominent resulted as a result of methods of construction, site topography and land shape, worker failure to yield to health and safety plan through the use of protective clothing’s and equipment, and improper briefing and training of workers involved on site. Injuries and deaths commonly recorded are falls from height, explosions of explosive materials stored on site, acid burns, exposure to toxic material. The construction firm has to adhere to the law of federal government governing health and safety in workplace, primarily the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 reprimanded occupational health and safety administration. Many states have received the health and safetyplans in some ways, and these plans affects all the work activities on site. Rules and regulations, drawings and specifications, testing and inspection requirements, and contract safety plans are all tools used to avoid accidents on construction site and to inculcate safety into construction projects”.
In all cases, if it is ascertained that the Health and Safety regulation was violated and people were injured as a resulted, then the law reprimand the defendant for negligent and liable for the injuries or death recorded. In some cases further evidence are made to find a defendant legally responsible for the accident. Some contractors that own property and companies also have their own laid down rule for safety on site, if violated by affected workers its evidence can be used to protect or support court suit against accident occurred on site.
“Several individuals or organizations may work at a construction site, and therefore be liable for injuries that occur, including the construction site owner, architects and engineering professionals, contractors, construction managers, and manufacturers of construction machinery or equipment. Many construction projects are based on a general contract relationship, where a general contractor, hired by the site owner, enters into agreements with sub-contractors to perform specific portions of the job, such as electrical or plumbing work. Larger construction projects usually involve delegation of both work and legal responsibility, including from site owner to general contractor and general contractor to “prime” or “sub”-contractor. Courts will weigh the extent of control over the premises on which the work is being done and the degree of control over the work itself in determining who is legally at fault for the injuries sustained by an employee or passersby”.
“Both the general and sub-contractor have a legal obligation to provide workers with a construction site that is reasonably safe, and they have a legal duty to warn workers of any hazards at the site and hazards inherent in the work being performed that they are aware of. Generally, a contractor will have a duty to make sure work is being performed safely, and this legal responsibility includes hiring reasonably competent employees and ensuring safety regulations are followed on site. The general contractor is always responsible for job safety on the entire site and for ensuring compliance with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, because the general contractor coordinates and supervises the entire construction project, and often provides equipment used by subcontractors and employees. Any subcontractors brought on site by the general contractor are also responsible for ensuring job safety and following Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules that apply to their part of the project, but the general contractor is still responsible” (Construction Accidents Resources, 2013).
Construction Delay
The construction delay is for real everywhere in the world not only in Nigeria which means all nations face construction delay (Assaf, & Al-Hejji, 2006). “Construction delay can be explained as prolong time in completion of project than stipulated time, or for an extended period of time professionals in construction industry agreed upon.(Chan & Kumaraswamy, 1995).Delay in project is known to be a wide known challenges in construction sites.(Sullivan, Harris, 1986). On large level there is no suspicion that the development of country depends upon its achievement of its advance plain with elevated construction contents (Afridi 1988). There is a French dictum “when the construction industry prospers everything prospers”. Escalation of construction industry is of imperative for all regions of national and international economy, as well as everyone involved in the industry like contractors, workers, financiers, architects, engineers etc. (Ogunlanaet al., 1996). The project’s success depends on meeting objectives within time and budget limits (Akinsola, 1996) Tools and techniques play important role in project management (Buratiet al., 1994). The major factor of construction problems is project’s delay (Odeh&Battaineh, 2002).Delay means loss of income according to and for the owner or client. In case of contractor, delay refers to the higher costs due to longer work time, labor cost increase and higher fabrication costs. On time completion of project is an indicator of efficiency”. But there are many unpredictable factors and variables resulting from various sources affecting construction projects. Some main sources are the involvement and performance of parties, contractual relations, environmental and site conditions, resources availability etc. (Al-Kasset al., 1996; Odeh&Battaineh, 2002) It is very rare to see that a construction project is completed on time. (Oglesby et al., 1989; Vidogah&Ndekugri 1997).
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