Problem of Guidance and Counselling Programme in Nigerian Schools
The following are problem that Hinder the Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Programme in Nigerian Schools.
In spite of the expressed need of guidance and counseling and the realization of the objective of the goals of the 6-3-3-4 system of Education in Nigeria, it is apparent that not much has been achieve in our educational institutions through the programme.
To this effect Ayo Adewole in a paper presentation edited by Bulus etal (1991) they observed that “one can say that we are far from practicing guidance and counseling as it should be done”.
This remark implies that guidance and counseling programme has not really grown or developed so as to make remarkable impression in our school system.
Investigation revealed that things are not rosy for the counseling profession in our educational system. Counsellors are encountering problem in the execution of their jobs, some of those problem are identified as
1. Insufficient number of professionally trained counsellor in our schools.
2. Scarcity of necessary physical facilities, offices accommodation and future test and non-test instrument, bulleting beard file/folder. Self tape recorder of the statement.
3. Lack of funding for the programme
4. Lack of psychological tests
5. Opposition from other school functionaries like principal and teachers.
6. Ignorant of the importance of the programme by student and significant others
7. Lack of clear-cut time allocation for guidance and counseling on the time table at least for group counseling.
8. Lack of clear and defend official roles of the school counsellor in the Nigeria schools.
9. Non-participation of counseling in curriculum planning and drawing of school time-table.
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