In all area of human endeavours, evaluation of the past and present action is done so as to improve in future performance. Citizen of a nation utilize evaluation process in judging and making decision concerning many areas of life, salaries promotion, job termination, retirement among other event at home people evaluate their life styles and make necessary changes and decision concerning the improvement of the families.
In the institution of learning, students teachers, and institution programme are periodically evaluated so as to maintain or improve on educational system.
The scenarios above show that evolution is a driver to activity which people do every day. Thus Unachukwu and lgborgbor (1991) defined evaluation as a process for appreciating the value of effectiveness of a programme or activity”, to this effect, they identify the following as the need for evaluating of guidance and counselling.
I. To discover any loopholes and limitation of guidance and counseling programme and effort made towards remedying it.
II. To ascertain how true or otherwise certain acclamation of the importance of guidance and counselling programme is through the establishment of evidence.
From the foregoing; there are two prominent characteristics of evaluation.
i. It involves judgment of work and value and
ii. It is related to the decision making process.
Therefore, there is the need to periodically evaluate the educational programmes, which guidance and counselling is one, if the aim and objectives of education are to be achieved especially in the 6-3-3-4 system to the effect, Ezeugu (1911) remarks unless programme are properly evaluated, education will have no basic for decision making on opinion, Unachukwu and Igbobor (1991) in a specific from says, “Evaluation of guidance programme is an important part of any on-going guidance activity”. It is only through a systematic and continuous programme of evaluation that the guidance services in any guidance and counselling setting can improve and grow.
Summarily, evaluation can be said to be carried out to asses extent to which set objective have been achieved in order to effect necessary change for improvement.
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