Function of the School Counsellor
The school counsellor being the central nerve of the guidance programme performs certain responsibilities towards the achievement of the objectives of our educational system
Mallam (2000:34) Lannap (1992) Kocbhar (1999) and Angbogu (1988) have it that the school counsellor should carry out the following functions:
I. Arrange orientation programme for the
a. Teacher to enlist their cooperation
b. Fresher to make them conversant with the school system
II. Arrange for talk by expert from different field and exercise to place of work e.g. industries to enable student get ample information about the variety of work that exist in the locality.
III. Arrange for individual discussion with the student and their parent for education and occupational information.
IV. Set up an educational and occupational information centre and prepare an up- to date list of the resources.
V. Displays or disseminate the information collected to student properly.
VI. Educate student on proper study habit and assist them in the development.
VII. Keep cumulative record on student.
VIII. Maintain an active relationship with schools ministry of education, information, labour and productivity and the outside world at large to get abreast with the contemporary issues so as to inform the student a right.
IX. Refer serious cases he she cannot handle to the appropriate personnel’s e.g. Doctor, Psychologist, psychiatrists.
X. Administer psychological test to students.
XI. Help in the placement of student into classes.
XII. Take up research project relating to the field of education vocation and personnel social guidance and convey agencies.
XIV. Help student develop moral and ethics value to achieve economic efficiency and appreciate dignity of labour.
XV. Help student understand themselves in term of ability aptitude, interest, weakness, strength and personal characteristics so that they can make rational, realist and appreciate educational and vocational choice.
As a matter of fact the list of the function of the counsellor in the school is exhaustible. It will be not be unjust therefore to say that they counsellor occupier very strategic position in the society at large for the Bible, in proverb 22: 6 says “train up a child in the way his should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Therefore, if counsellor executes these functions properly the moral lives of our student will be positively affected and the large society will be a better place for many to live in, as student of today become men and women of the large society tomorrow.
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