The institute of food science and technology in Nigeria has raised alarm over avoidable food spoilage (wastage) being lost annually by the country. The use of garlic (Allium Sativum) have numerous field of application in man daily activities. Garlic was used to preserve grain (beans, maize and guinea corn), the result shows that fungi and bacteria damage the total of 90% in the preserved maize grain, up till 80% were damaged in the preserve beans grain sample and also 90% were also damaged in the preserve guinea corn grain sample. Insect is the major cause of loss in the unpreserved grain samples bringing about 35% loss in maize, 40% loss in beans and 35% loss in guinea corn. The result was analyzed within the period of four (4) weeks and research shows that garlic has a vital role to play in preservation and also as medicinal function.
The Nigerian institute of Food Science and Technology has raised the alarm over what is described as avoidable food wastage within an estimation N825bn being lost annually by the country (John and Kalep, 2010).
Nigeria was losing in excess of 10 million tones of grains equivalent to food annually. The high annual loss was due to spoilage and wastage occasioned by the lack of post-harvest management. Citing the 2010 millennium development goals report, the institute said 29 percent to 33 percent of Nigerians lived below the poverty line / hunger between 2010 and 2009 (John and kalep, 2010). In the communiqué, On the food preservation highlighted some of the negative impacts of infrastructural decay on food sustainability in Africa’s most populous country (John and kalep, 2010). It said, “The infrastructure in Nigeria, being grossly inadequate or non-existent, constitutes a major cause of huge post-harvest losses, estimated at 40 percent of the produce/ “Major constraints to value-addition are lack of appropriate technology, inconsistent quality, poor linkage between producers and processors, limited accessed to funding and inadequate infrastructure”. Nigeria ranked as the world’s highest producer of cassava with about 34 million metric tones per annum, yet the position of this country as a producer of cassava starch, flour, chips, pellets and other derivative products is almost non-existence globally” (Buckland and haleegoah, 2006). It added, it is an often over locked fact that just about every food item we eat is biological in origin, i.e. it come from living organisms, so a knowledge of biology is important in all aspect of initial food production, as well as preparation and distribution. In particular, we expect our food to be fresh and wholesome, and not to contain any unnecessary added impurities. This research is aimed of using local preservative methods of storage to reduce the percentage spoilage of food in Nigeria. The use of native products like garlic is cheap and natural and free of addatives that can affect human.
- To determine the rate which food (grain) spoils within a period of time.
- To determine the effect on garlic I food preservation using maize, beans etc.
For thousands of years amazing magical and medicinal powers have been attributed to garlic (paavo, 2008). Prized as a legendary protectant against vampires in Transylvania, it has also been used to enhance sexual prowess and fight off infections. Referred to as “the stinking rose” (Jayaweera, 2001). It is mentioned in bible, the Talmud, and in the odyssey by homer as well. The Egyptians looked to garlic as a tonic which boosted physical strength and consumed it while building the pyramids. The Greeks utilized its laxative properties, and the Chinese prescribed it for high blood pressure Vikings and Phoenicians alike extolled the virtues of garlic and used it both for flavoring foods and treating disease (Meredith, 2008).
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