Concept of Development
Development is the process of adding improvements to a parcel of land, such as grading, subdivisions, drainage, access, roads, and utilities.
Types of development
I. On-site UPGRADING: Slum upgrading is a way of improving the physical environment and basic services in existing communities, while preserving their location, character and social structures. Besides improving the physical conditions and quality of life in these poor communities, the physical improvements made under an upgrading process can act as a springboard for other kinds of development among community members such as income generation, welfare and community enterprises.
II. On-site RE-BLOCKING: is a more systematic way of improving the infrastructure and physical conditions in existing communities by making some adjustments to the layout of houses and roads to install sewers, drains, walkaways, and roads, but doing so in ways which ensure the continuity of the community.
III. On-site RECONSTRUCTION: in this upgrading strategy, existing communities are totally demolished and rebuilt on the same land; either under a long-term lease or after the people has negotiated to purchase the land.
IV. LAND SHARING: land-sharing is a housing and settlement improvement strategy which allows both the land-owner and the community people living on that land to benefit.
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