Claims: These are legal demand or assertion by a claimant for compensation, payment, or reimbursement for a loss under a contract, or an injury due to due to negligence.
Numerous authors have debated on the connection between claims and disputes, besides it can be deduced from typical type of contract that it is only when claims are initiated and turned down that a dispute occur and comes into existence (Reid & Ellis, 2007). According to Sempele, Hartman, & Jergeas (1994), in a contract, a claim can be an appeal for recompense by any party for sustained damages. The implication is that a claim correlate to the issue of regarding compensation, solution or inability in fulfilling the requirement of the contract.
Sheridan & Helps (2004), have stressed the significance of the time between submitting of a claim and the necessity to ascertain that an important thing ought to be concluded by putting to an end all processes involved in discussion. This shows that the nature and relationship of claim and dispute is imperative regarding time. Various authors have talked about complexity related to determining the time in which conversation turns into a debate of which will turn out to initiating a claim and if not heeded will eventually turn into a dispute (McDonald, 1984).
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