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May 30, 2016

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284


A good working definition of academic research and writing can be given as follows: investigation and writing based upon the idea of scientific inquiry. A reader may at this point wonder if this definition sheds any light on the subject. The key here is to focus on the term “scientific inquiry”.

The scientific method is based on the assumption that everything in the universe is linked by cause and reaction. There is a logical explanation for all observed behavior. So a researcher using the scientific method of inquiry may starts by making assumptions about what he or she expects to find after conducting research on a topic. This initial assumption is called a hypothesis. Researchers typically talk about a null hypothesis. A null hypothesis generally asserts that there is no meaningful relationship between two observed phenomena.

The researcher then seeks to conduct academic research that will either prove or disprove the null hypothesis. The researcher develops a methodology, or method of testing the null hypothesis. Research is completed and the results are analyzed. Research may be qualitative or quantitative. To simplify matters, quantitative research uses the application of mathematical tools to analyze data that is collected during the research. If this method is not used then the research can be considered to be qualitative.

Students are typically not conducting their own research when writing answers for class assignments or even when writing papers for a class. Nevertheless, students must understand what scholarly research is so that they can know the difference between reliable and unreliable findings (as written up by someone). The idea of “reliability” is important when considering scholarly research. Can someone other than the original researcher obtain the same results when conducting the same research at a different time and place? Did the original researcher use sound methods and analytic tools when conducting the research?

A student can never be sure of this without spending time reviewing the actual research and reported results. So how is a student going to know what sources are good, reliable ones and what sources do not meet the rigorous standards required for scientific research? The answer is that a student must learn to recognize what sources are scholarly in nature and what sources do not adhere to those standards. There is no way of simply going to a list and looking up a particular source to find this answer. It can be said, however, that scholarly

articles are those written by, and addressed to, experts in a particular discipline. These experts are concerned with academic issues, particularly in research. Their work demonstrates the methods and concerns of scholars. It is usually, though not always, peer reviewed.

A student can figure this out by going to a particular journal or to its website and reading the information provided by the publisher. It is also safe to assume that any publication put out by a scholarly, professional organization is going to be a peer reviewed publication. “Peer review” means that before publication an article is read and reviewed by qualified experts in the particular field. It is analyzed for its methodology as well as for its findings. Its writing style is also held to a high standard.

A student can also consult online or in print form Uhlrich’s International Periodical Directory for an independent review of a particular publication. Any article published in a publication not listed in Uhlrich is more likely than not a non-scholarly source.

Database Research
In a digital world most students want to find short cuts to search for articles. That is why databases were developed. A database is simply a collection of articles from different journals that are indexed into an electronic database that can then be searched electronically using keywords, author or title names, Library of Congress subject headings, etc.

Companies called database aggregators enter into agreements with a number of publishers to assemble indexes using many different journals. This saves the user time and allows one simultaneous search of any number of journals.

Databases are typically arranged broadly according to subject areas. Academic Search Elite is a database aggregation containing articles of journals dealing with general academic, interdisciplinary subjects. JSTOR ideals with social science and education databases. Science Direct deals with science and technology databases..ABInform deals with business databases.
The Academy library offers several databases selected for their relevance to the courses taught here. These databases can be accessed on course pages by clicking on the “Academy Online Library” link. Using these databases is an art, not a science. The library page also contains links to PDF documents that discuss how to search EBSCOhost and ProQuest.

Most databases use the same search techniques. There is also a link on the library page to an article discussing a special type of search technique called Boolean searching. All students should read this article before beginning to conduct database searches. These databases will produce results that are not from scholarly journals. A user can, however, click on a setting that will produce only results from scholarly journals and thus let the program itself do the selection work.

Research and the Internet
There is a great temptation today among students to feel that any information available through the internet must be reliable or else it wouldn’t be there. Students need to understand that there is no entity monitoring or policing the internet. Some sites have administrators who attempt to control what kind of content is put out. The reality, however, is that almost anyone with technical knowledge or money can obtain a website and post content to the internet.

The internet has also promoted the idea of “self publishing”. There are now publishers who for a fee will publish a person’s writing with no regard for quality. It is also possible to post content to the internet with no quality controls in place at all.

Additional Research Tips
Students need to recognize that there is very little original thought in the world. Poets and novelists create works entirely from their own creative impulses. In academic research, a student is always engaged in analyzing and commenting on the work of others. A

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284