Road Network Pattern and the State of Available Roads Analysis
Road network consists of large number of interwoven roads exhibiting many patterns ranging from star-like, grid-like and irregular patterns are often discernable in road networks (Zangand Lund University, 2004).
It consists of large amounts of roads that interweave with each other to exhibit a pattern. Patterns are defined as characteristics and properties found in repeated and regular manner within one object, or between a number of objects with such repetition in the form of shape, density, distribution, linkages, connection or orientation. These occur among the same kind of objects repeated with sufficient regularity.
Such repeated properties may be shape orientation, connectedness, density or distribution.
The frequency of such patterns enables development of prototypical views of geographical processes (Mackaness and Edwards 2002).
The road network consists of primary and secondary roads known as arterial roads that are below highway level of services, carrying large volumes of traffic between areas in urban centers and designed for traffic between neightbourhoods. (Lecture note on environmental resources transportation, 2012).
These works, which were carried out on regional basis, succeeded in determining the degree of accessibility and connectivity of model points of the road network in the study areas but they did not relate the degree and levels of such accessibility and connectivity to property values.
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