According to Kwarden (1996) in his features of land Administration” land Administration as a subject can be defined as the study of the relationship of man to man in relation to land. It is an empirical subject because administration of land varies in details from country to country. As a result of its empirical nature, there is no book that covers all countries and all topics at any point in time.
However, land Administration can be defined as the process whereby the land resources of a community a town, state, region or a country are administered and managed to give the optimum results. The optimum yield may either be informed of economic use of land resources which may result in the social, traditional or cultural up liftmen. In terms of economy, land administration may be viewed as the management of land such that the highest financial returns are achieved. The benefit may either be in terms of high profit, efficiency of labour as well as proper management procedures. Such as allocation of resources to the various sectors of the community that may be involved in the use of such land in estate development.
Generally from the various point of views, land Administration can be referred to as land management. It can be also being seen as that act of supervision, direction and control of various interests in land and its resources so as to achieve optimum returns or maximum utility. For land Administration also includes the formulation and implementation of regulate and control the acquisition allocation and use of land and land resources.
Therefore, land Administration may be seen as one of the goals for the development of an area and as one of the factors that influence the implementation of planned developmental aim.
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