The importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the general public can never be overemphasized. To Secretaries, it is the basic tool and language needed to carry on any given task in the office.
Atakpa (2010) stated that secretarial functions everywhere in the world have undergone a lot of technical changes. As a result, modern office equipment which gives the secretary the opportunity to increase her efficiency abound. Many office functions and Secretarial duties which were previously done manually have been mechanized. Thus, the diversities of these office technologies require the secretary to possess new skills and sub-skills to enable him/her to be relevant in the modern office. Other importances of ICT to Secretaries are:
ICT has Improved the Personal productivity of Secretaries:
According to Boladele (2002), Onifade (2009) and Igbinedion (2010) there have being a dramatic change which has reshaped the office, the personal lives of secretaries and the way work is carried out. ICT has improved the secretarial skills and prepare them for the global economy and information society. According to Ofurum and Ogbonna(2008), an enormous amount of data is available for secretary to be generated internally and externally, it is impossible to deal with this volume of data information without Information and Communication Technology. Secretaries today must be capable of performing the task within their area of expertise using the Information and Communication Technology. For example, performing the basic day-to-day functions as well as plan, organize and communication.
Increase in proficiency and easiness of task
Boladele (2002), expressed that a secretary is an endlessly helpful and understanding individual whose sole aim is to alleviate, solve, prevent or soften problem workload and distress for his/her executive. He is the means by which the executive initiates, handles and completes a project. Information and Communication Technology has brought about the existence of Decision Support System (DSS): The DSS is alternatively termed end-user computer system. Their objective is to support managers in their work. According to Adams and Wanger (1995), Decision Support Systems are computer systems that are used to assist top-level managers and executives. These systems can be used to project the consequences of several business alternatives; the user can select the most appropriate.
Business Operation Strategy:
The daily business operation obviously cannot survive without Information and Communication Technology, Secretaries in business environment uses word processor, electronic database such as MS Access et cetera to process sales, handle payment attends to the demand of customers, and place order online to achieve the goal of business organization.
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