It is medicinally used in special food preparations for those who sufferdigestive disorders and have trouble in digesting fats. Considerably, more is knownabout digestibility of coconut oil in men.
It is nearly completely absorbed as are mostother natural dietary fat (Wang et al.,1993), (Fife, 2005). For the same reason, it is also used in infant formulationsfor the treatment of malnutrition.
The absorption of calcium and magnesium and alsoamino acids has been found to increase when infants are fed with diet containingcoconut oil.
Coconut oil has been used to enhance absorption of Ca and Mg whendeficiency of these nutrients exist. For those who get older, coconut oil is useful forslowing down the degenerative process by improving mineral absorption. Coconut oilalso helps to supply energy to cells (because it is easily absorbed without the need ofenzymes) as well as improve insulin serration and utilisation of blood glucose(FAO/WHO,1994).
Those people with diabetes would greatly benefit byadding coconut oil to daily diet.
MCFA (medium chain fatty acid) do not circulate in blood stream like other fats but sent directly to theliver where they are immediately converted into energy – just like a carbohydrate. Sowhen coconut oil is consumed the body immediately, make energy rather than bodyfat. The weight loss effect of coconut oil has been proved by many researchers(Fife, 2005; Dayrit, 2000).
No topic related to coconut oil has been given more prominence than itsrelation to cholesterol metabolism in animals (Han, 2003). It has beenclaimed that the inhabitants of Thailand have low rate of heart attacks and strokesalthough coconut oil is their leading dietary fat (Peat, 2005).
In a study on two groups of Polynesians, it was found that the group eating 89 % of their fat as coconut oil has lower blood pressure values than those eating 7 %. Heart attack was not observed in either group. There were of course many other differences between the groups (Kaunitz,1992). In another study on Polynesians, it was found that Pukapukans consuming large amount of coconut oil had lower serum cholesterol level and lower incidence of arteriosclerosis than Maoris (and Europeans) who consumed an European type of diet (Larsen, 2007). (Dayrit, 2000) had said that a prolonged daily intake of coconut fat, in quantities of 50 g or less produces a sustained rise in blood cholesterol and or increased ahezo genesis had not been demonstrated. He further demonstrated that any increase in Is chaemie Heart Disease cannot be due to increase in coconut oil consumption.
In a study at Philippines, 10 medical students tested diets consisting of different levels of animal fat and coconut oil. When the ratio of animal fat and coconut oil at ratio of 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 3 no significant change in cholesterol but when animal fat level increased total calories reached 40 % and bloodcholesterol increased. This study had indicated that not only did coconut had no effecton cholesterol levels, it even reduced the cholesterol elevating effects of animal fat.
A review of epidemiological and experimental data regarding coconut eatingpopulations show that the dietary coconut oil does not lead to high blood cholesterolor coronary heart disease (Kaunitz, 1992). When native people change theirdiet and give up eating coconut oil in favour of polyunsaturated vegetable oils theirrisk of heart disease had shown to increase (Soleimani and Sing, 1995).
Dr. Ian Prior and his colleagues showed that, island populations that eat very high amounts of saturated fat coconut oil showed no sign of heart disease. But when they migrate to New Zealand and began eating less coconut oil and less saturated fat but more poly unsaturated fats, the incidence of heart disease and other illness greatly increased (Rahayu et al., 2008). Numerous studies clearly demonstrated that coconut oilhas a neutral effect on cholesterol levels (Weinberg, 2004; Fife, 2005; Hudson and Ghavami, 1984).
(Enig,1999) while reviewing the health and nutritional benefits from coconut oil has stated that some studies reported thirty and more years ago should have cleared coconut oil of any implication in the development of heart disease. (Chomchalow, 2010; Forette, 1989; Bruce, 2004) Those whoblindly state that all saturated fats are unhealthy or coconut oil consumption leads toheart disease are ignorant of facts. There is no evidence to support the notion thatsaturated fat in coconut oil is harmful (Enig, 1996). Indeed there is strong evidencenow that coconut oil can help to prevent heart disease (Enig, 1999).
Polyunsaturated oils put a heavy strains on the immune system. They cause the immune system to shift into feverish activity while at the same time interfering with its ability to form protective compounds. Antioxidants are quickly used up fighting free radicals produced by unsaturated oils. When antioxidants such as Vit. A,C, and E becomes depleted, the immune system slow down becomes effective. Coconut oilon the other hand supports immune system.
It causes no stress. The coconut oil is non-toxic to body so does not burden immune system. Saturated fats are very stable and do not oxidize easily, so antioxidants are not used up. Sixty three percent of coconut oil is composed of antimicrostial MCFA, and therefore can be powerful all with the immune system in fight against microscopic invaders.
Coconut oil is ideal for immune suppressed individuals. For this reason, it is now being studied as a treatment for HIV / AIDS patients whose immune systems are severely compromised (Enig, 1998).
Coconut oil may be useful in preventing a wide assortment of diseases. Because of its unique metabolic properties, it can help shed unwanted weight, thus reducing risk of many health problem associated with obesity. Since 1950, it is used to treat mal-absorption problems in adults and infants (Peat, 2004).
Dr. Robert L. Wickremasinghe, head of Serology division of the Medical Research Institute, Sri Lanka reported that coconut oil may even possess anticarcinogenic properties. Studies have shown that coconut oil inhibits the induction ofcarcinogenic agents of colon as well as mammary tumours in test animal (Padayalty et al., 2003).
(Kabara, 2000) had indicated that in a 50 year review made during 1987,showed the anticancer effect of coconut oil.
In chemically induced cancers of colon and breast, coconut oil was by far more protective than unsaturated oil. For example32 % of corn oil users got colon cancer whereas only 3 % of coconut oil eaters got the Cancers.
(Fife, 2005) has reviewed 50 years literature showing anticarcinogenic effect from dietary coconut oil.
The biggest advantage of using coconut oil is that it can displace the use ofhydrogenated and processed vegetable oils that are known to be involved in thedevelopment of numerous diseases as well as premature aging. While coconut oil maynot prevent or cure all these conditions directly, it can limit the amount of potentiallytoxic hydrogenated and polyunsaturated oil in our bodies thus reduce chances ofsuffering prematurely from degenerative disease(Manson, 1981).
Coconut oil has a natural creamy texture comes from vegetable source, it is used in cosmetics. Whether applied topically or internally, coconut oil helps to keep skin young, healthy and free of disease. Polynesian women are famed for their beautiful skin, even though they are exposed every day to hot blistering sun and the chafing of the ocean breeze. Coconut oil has been used by them to make the skin soft and smooth(Lans, 2007).
Virgin coconut oil is used to make natural soaps and other health products and is said to promote luxurious hair growth and protect the skin from bacterial and viral infection. In Ayurvedic medicine, coconut oil is said to nourish the body and increases strength while application of coconut oil to the skin is said to help fixation of vitamin D in the body. The cosmetic applications of coconut oil include:
– Hair and Skin Oil:
Coconut oil mixed with herbal oils and different scents is used as hair oil andis preferred because of its low viscosity. Without chemical modification, it promotes emolliency; gloss lubricity and adhesion and is said to prevent dandruff. Different preparations of coconut oil are also used to protect the skin from bacterial, protozoal and other infections in body and baby oils.
– Herbal / Medicinal oils:
Coconut oil with various herbs/medicinal plants is used for preparing medicated oils such as skin and massage oils. Some people use coconut oilwith lime for healing wounds.
– Scent- making:
Caproic acid, capric acid and caprylic acid obtained from coconut oil are mixed with methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, butyl alcohol andtheir esters and utilised in scents as well as food products.
– Beauty Care Products:
Coconut oil has a high level of myristic acid which, in combination with isopropyl myristate. This is used in many beauty products as an additive.Coconut oil lauric acid is also used in toothpaste.
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