The role of weathering in landform development
Weathering of igneous rocks gives rise to the formation of inselberg landscapes, boulder fields and tors. These are common landform in Nigeria particularly the northern part of the country.
Landform of deep weathering profiles develop from accumulated residual of rotted rock materials. The deep weathering profile is usually differentiated into several horizons and these predominate the landscape.
According to Odemerho, F.O. and Onokerhoraye A.G. (1994) the down-ward leaching of soluble and products of weathering and the migration of stable products of weathering may result in the formation of mineral-rich layers which are made up of largely laterites, or silcretes or calcretes which always exhibit different types of landforms when exposed by weathering processes.
The stone lines and gravel layers form landform of weathering. These landforms compose of soil layers with a relatively higher proportion of stones and gravels. Where the stone lines are developed on granite rocks, they consist of quartz fragments but if developed on either shale or ferruginous sand stone, they consist of duricrust.
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