INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES – Like any other nation in the world. The financing of infrastructure necessary for the development of new housing on the urban fringe. In Nigeria infrastructure companies economic, social and environmental infrastructure. Economic infrastructures includes networked services such as hydraulic facilities (water, sewage and drainages) roads and other transport facilities energy distribution networks and telecommunication. Social infrastructure includes facilities that provides services such as welfare and general community support, open space and recreational facilities health and education. Environmental infrastructures includes the land systems, installations and other measures aimed at protecting the natural environment and heritage especially water ways, habitats, flora and fauna.
Some of the services fall within the statutory function of one tiers of government or the other for instance, the 1989 constitution assigned to city councils, the responsibly for the construction and maintenance of some categories of road streets, drains, installation of street lighting and provision of refuse disposal services in practice, however, the state government sometimes step into complement the efforts of municipal council particularly in these cities that are state capitals.
Infrastructures investment is connected to all facets of economic development often, the concept of infrastructures investment and economic development are considered one and the same variable since economic development is universally connected with increasing property values near the infrastructures projects.
Infrastructure is a key element in the generation of economic growth and development and the main driver of urban activities. The efficiency of economic and social system is to large extent depend on the efficiency of infrastructure. For a nation to experience sustainable development and growth It may have developed an efficient infrastructure system. This is essential for efficient and proper functioning of urban economic and social activities
Some of the prominent public agencies responsible for the provision and management of the facilities are:
- Power holding company of Nigeria PLC. In charge of electricity, generation, distribution and supply to consumers.
- Nigeria telecommunications limited (NITEL)
- State water cooperation.
- Nigeria post service limited (NIPOST)
- State water management board e.t.c.
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