Reading, Types and Problems
Reading – Definition / Concept
Reading is the act of looking at written items or symbols and understanding the meaning of what you have seen or looked at. Although it is not in all cases that the meaning of what you have seen or looked at. Although it is not in all cases that one understands the symbol or written items he or she must have looked at. Reading could also be said to be, going through written or printed words in silence or aloud.
It involves two processes, the physical and the mental. The physical is act of seeing group of words while mental is the recognizing and understanding of what you have seen.
There are four types of reading
- Skimming / Scanning: This is a method of readings quickly through a document in order to find out a particular point or main point, scanning on the other hand is to look quickly but not very carefully at a document.
- Rapid: This is a method whereby you read at a fast pace usually used to review familiar material or used when reading for relaxation.
- Careful/Study: This is used when a material is to be evaluated or This is also used when a material is to be memorized.
- Normal: This is used when the style of a book is to be appreciated because the reading rate is slow or average in speed.
- Linguistic Factor: This has to do with grammar, the reader ought to learn the grammar of the language before he can understand what he/she is readings.
- Reader’s state of Health: The reader has to be in good health both in the mind and in environment. There should be absence of noise of any sort the reader should be sound in mind in order to understand what he is reading.
- Reader’s background: This has to do with how the reader was brought up. If the reader was brought up in an environment where there are lost of materials of books to motivate the reader, he grows up to be a better reader than the one that did not have that opportunity. Interest also is a factor, the person that has interest makes a better reader than one without interest and attitude.
- Head Movement: Moving of head unconsciously from side to side. This makes the reader tired easily and it is time consuming and unnecessary.
- Pointing to the words: Pointing to what you are reading with fingers, rulers, pencils as you rend slows down readings. Since the eyes move faster that the objects used to point the words.
- Vocalization / sub vocalization: This is reading the words silently to yourself with lips moving while sub-vocalization is sounding the words in your throat.
7. Regression: This is the method of reading and re-reading. Going back to what you have read already several times. This could be because the read
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