It is deducted that guidance is preventive in nature, guiding against possible future problems while counseling is curative in nature, proffering solution to an already existing problems.
In spite of the fact that counselling is one of the services render by guidance programme, the two concepts are not separated. Thus Okeye etal (1990) says that “the most professional way of looking at the term is to se them as a married couple, it take two of them to produce”.
This is to say that both guidance and counselling are concerned with the totality of the client as a regards his or her need and problems, personal social educational vocational e.t.c.
As a result of this analysis the concept of guidance and counselling in this study are being consider and separable but discussed as one term. Its major focus is the students with aim of making them happy and effective function individual.
Guidance and counselling focuses on the need of the individual and how to better his life in future. According to Angbogu (1978:29). Guidance and counselling is designed to:
- Assist the individual through the use of appropriate tools and technique to develop the ability necessary for self direction, personal understanding, self-confidence and mental maturity necessary for a healthy growth and proper adjustment.
- Assist the individual to have a clearer understanding of himself, his personal trait, social values, habits, attitudes and believe which go to maker a won disciplined and adjusted being.
iii. Assist the individual to identify his motivation, ambition, resources and limitations.
- Assist the individual to acquire a better knowledge of available education facilities and learn how to study effectively to achieve academic aspiration.
- Assist the individual to develop positive self concept and the awareness of self with the changing complex society such as Nigeria.
All these are toward the enhancement of positive attitude and well- adjusted life of the individual in the society.
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