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Mar 12, 2016

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It’s natural in every organization to have laid down rule of organization structure with the flow chart of communication within the organization between the employees of various departments. To achieve the goals and objectives of the organization communication plays a vital role of improving the organizational performance with effective communication; good communication skills are also required in hiring qualified candidates to work in an organization. Communication skills enhanced managers’ efficient and effective productivity of the organization, no communication no organization. Therefore, communication is derived from a Latin language ‘Communicare’ which means to share. Therefore communication could be described as process of passing information and understanding to one or more persons. It is a means by which behavior is modified, change is affected and information is made productive in order to achieve objectives and goals of organizations.

In an organization, there are different units performing various functions. Thus, communication serves as a linking process by which parts of a system are tied together. Communication provides the links, which bind an organization together in other to evolve common understanding. (Rogers et al 2002)

Freeman, (2005) define communication as the process by which people attempt to share meaning via the transmission of symbolic messages.

Communication breakdown in business organization has lead to frustration, loss of productivity and strained employees relation and failure to address to problem in communication with employees will cause the situation to be deteriorate even further and some causes of a break in communication are easy to spot like culture and personality differences and these has made this study to become necessary to be reviewed to ascertain and investigate the causes of communication breakdown in organization.

Aim and objective of the study

The aim of this paper is to find out the causes and effect of communication breakdown in the organization.

  • To achieve the above stated aim the following objectives shall be pursued;
  • To identify the communication lapses in the organization.
  • To examine the causes of communication breakdown in the organization
  • To examine how poor listening skills of employees affect organizational performance and
  • To suggest a better ways to improving effective communication in an organization.

Significant of the study

The researcher hope and believe that this paper work will serve as a useful instrument to the organization and the society at large and beneficial to general readers and fellow respondents who may want to conduct similar or related research.


Literature review focuses on the documentation of recognized authorities as it affect the problem of this study based on the historical of communication, meaning and difficulties of effective communication in an organization.

According to Peter Little in Tonga Volume 11 of “use of English” says communication is the process by which information is passed between individual and organization by means of previous agrees symbols. According to Bernard (1958) as define communication as “means by which people linked together in an organization to achieve a common purpose.

The above definition forms the essential elements of effective communication in an organization namely:

  • A message sender
  • The message
  • Message vehicle (noise)
  • Message receiver (or listener)
  • An understood message and feedback

Both sender and receiver of any message share a common responsibility. The sender should ensure that his message is such that could be understood.

Message could be in the form of an instruction or information. An instruction in the sense that the receiver is told the definite things he is expected to accomplish. Information could take two forms namely; Information properly and news. Information proper guides the receiver on what decision to make while news is of no value for decision making.

However, what is important about communication is that the receiver must understand the message that has been sent across by asking certain questions; it may be possible to find out if the receiver has actually understood the message. This make communication to be a two way process in a sense that it prevents the development of psychologically negative attitude among the personnel in an organization. Thus, a feedback mechanism should be built into a communication process. There is need therefore to avoid an excessive amount of one way communication. (Uwakwe,2004)

It is pertinent to say that communication has been characterized as the life wire of any organization. Without communication, organization doesn’t achieve goals. The purpose of communication in an organization is to effect change-to influence action towards the welfare of the enterprise. Communication is essential for the internal functioning of enterprises because it integrates the managerial functions. (Wiehirich et al 2005). Especially communication is needed of an organization:

  • To established and disseminates the goal of an organization.
  • To develop plans for their achievement
  • To organize human and other resources in the most effective and efficient way
  • To select, develop and apprise members of the organization
  • To lead, direct, motivate and create a climate in which people want to contribute and
  • To control performance.

Generally, in the opinion of Efimova, (2004) much of the work of finding, interpreting and connecting relevant pieces of information, negotiating meanings and eliciting knowledge in conversations with others, creating new ideals and using them to come up with a final product happens as part of communication in organizations.



The following types of communication are briefly discussed: written, oral and nonverbal communication (Tennen, 1995). Written and oral communication media have favorable and unfavorable characteristics; they are often used together so that the favorable qualities of each can complement the limitations of the other. In addition usual aids may be used to supplement both oral and written communication. It is believed that a message that is repeated through several media will be more accurately comprehended and recalled by the receiver. Hence Wiehirich et al, (2005) says that in selecting the media, one must consider the communicator, the audience, and the situation. An individual who feels uncomfortable in front of a large audience may choose written communication rather than speech. On the other hand, certain audience who may read a memo may be reached and become motivated by direct oral communication

On the other hand written communication occurs when a sender puts on paper the information he wants to sends. It is mostly made for formal message. Written communication has the advantage of providing records reference and legal defense. (ii) Message can be carefully prepared and can be read by large audience (iii) can promote uniformity in policy and procedures. (iv) Can reduce cost in some cases.

The disadvantages of written communication are: written message may create mountain of paper, may be poorly expressed by ineffective writers and may provide no immediate feedback. Consequently, nit may take a long time to know whether na message has been received and properly understood.(Stunk et al 1999) .

Non verbal communication: this is the conveyance of thoughts and feelings without the use of words., people communicate in many different ways, what a person says can be reinforced (or contradicted) by nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions and body gestures. Nonverbal communication is expected to support the verbal, but it does not always do so. Manager may states that they have an open door policy, but then they may haven a secretary carefully screen people who want to see them; this creates incongruence between what they say and what they do. Clearly, nonverbal communication, giving rise to the saying that actions often speak louder than words.(Weihrich et al, 2005).

Channels of communication in an organization

Effective communication enables management to perform appropriate functions and achieve pre-stated results. However, for a communication to be effective

These channels are means of transmitting information within and outside the organization these channels are broadly categories into formal and informal communication channels. (Madu 2006).

Internal communication: all organization generates internal communication. Communication flows within an organization are multi- direction, messages are sent verbally downward from one level to lower by way of chain of command. Most orders and instructions take this path. But much communicating is vertically upward, from lower level to higher levels. Managers require information from subordinates about their problems, work in progress and other data that relate to what the organization is doing. (Appleby, 2003)

External communication: all enterprises also initiate communication with individuals and groups outside the organization. Generally as an organization grows, external communications increase and may include thousands of suppliers, wholesales, retailer and other types of organization.

  Barriers to communication in an Organization

One of the functions of communication is to ensure that each individual in the organization knows what he/she is expected to be doing at work to further the goals of the organization. Good communications are essential to getting any organizational activities done because co-operation is impossible without it. However, difficulties to good communication arising from differences in social, racial or educational backgrounds, compounded by age differences, communication breakdown and poor listing skills (BPP 2000). Other communication barriers according to Madu,(2006) include: Emotionality, different perception, influence of attitude and differences in status and power. In this study specific attention is being paid to two barriers in communication, which Holmes (2007) noted are very critical problems in organizations. These are:

  • Breakdown in communication
  • Poor listing skills of employees in an organization.

Breakdown in communication: it is surprise that managers frequently site communication breakdown as one of their most important problems, however, communication problem are often symptoms of more deeply rooted problems as a result of poor planning which may be the cause of uncertainly about the direction of the organization (Wiehrich et al 2005). Similarly, a poorly design organization structure may not clearly communicate organizational relationships. Vague performance standards may leave managers uncertain about what is expected of them

(Holmes 2007). Thus the perceptive manager will look for the causes of communication breakdown, which could include:

Communication downward (i.e. from superior to subordinates) may breakdown because of poor organization, confusion about the message being transmits or for personal reasons. If the channels of communication are inefficient or insufficient, the organization is at fault. Confusion will also occur if the superior manager is incompetent and issues instructions, which cannot be understood because they do not make sense. Poor personal relations between superior and subordinate will cause a breakdown in communication because of mutual suspicion or because of their different backgrounds.

Communications upward (from subordinate to superior) may breakdown fro the same reasons. An additional consideration is that the subordinate, because he wants to hide his own errors on the errors of a fellow worker,

Horizontal communication. Horizontal communication (i e. between people on the same hierarchical levels, perhaps in different department) may cause breakdown of communication because departments are geographically separated with inadequate communication links. There is no formal organization for the cross-fertilization of ideas and opinions between departments, the organization is too centralized and insists on all such negotiations being made at top management level, or/ and because there is a poor informal communication structure.

Poor Listening skills of employees: The researcher has observed people entering discussion with comments that have no relation to the topic. The rushed, never-listening manager will seldom get an objective view of the functioning of the organization. Time   empathy and concentration on the communicator’s message are prerequisites for understanding. People (manager) want to heard, want to be taken seriously, and want to be understood. Thus managers most avoid interrupting subordinates and putting them on the defensive. Employees should learn the techniques of better listening in order to maintain good relation with those who deal with the organization. Poor listening is perhaps none of the most serious barriers to effective communication. Poor listening can generate costly accidents and cause misunderstanding and rumors in an organization. (Weihrich et al, 2005).

Uncertain Reporting Relationships

Effective communication is hard to develop if people don’t know who to communicate with in certain situations. In many cases, employees understand their role with an immediate manager. However, the employee and manager may not really understand when and how to interact.

Poor Culture

A poor organizational culture can dramatically affect communication. In general, employees who are unhappy or uncomfortable in their workplace are less likely to communicate openly. Employees who don’t find their managers approachable may not seek help or offer input when need arises. Major problems exist with colleagues or work team members don’t get along. Some organizations instill diverse work teams, but don’t offer informal and formal ways for employees to build rapport. This lack of rapport can cause tension, and ultimately lead employees to shut down or avoid interaction.

Indecisive Leadership

The tone of communication usually starts at the top. If top managers communicate openly and clearly, their approach tends to filter down throughout the organization. Front line managers may more openly communicate with their work teams. When top managers are indecisive or lack confidence in the company’s vision, they may be reluctant to communicate as a way to avoid showing vulnerability. This silent approach to leadership can lead to distrust in the work environment, and cause informal gossip to take over.

Technology Problems

While face-to-face communication is imperative in many organizations, technology fuels a lot of important communication as well. Computers and mobile technology drive interaction in many cases. Sales reps often connect with home offices through cell phones, e-mail and tablets, for instance. These alternative forms of communication only work if the technology works and the employees involved know how to use it. Weak tools, defective equipment and poor employee training all can cause communication breakdowns.


In conclusion, Communication in a business is key to getting all leaders, departments and employees on the same page in working toward objectives. Breakdowns in communication can knock a company off track and prevent it from reaching its full potential. Understanding the core factors in breakdowns can help you proactively prepare to avoid them.


Appleby, R.C. (2003) Modern Business Administration, London Pitman Book Ltd

Barnard ,C.J (1958). Practice of Communication. London. Pitman   Publishing Limited.

Nwanwene T.A.M.. (2007) Communication and Sustainable Development in


Rogers, C.R. and Roethlisberger (2002). Barriers and Gateways to communication, Boston: Harvard Business Review.

Peter L. (1965). Communication in Business, London, Longman Group 3rd Edition.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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