A paint defect is in many cases due to a number of causes. In some cases, several defects may occur simultaneously and hinder the determination of the causes and redemption works.
To achieve good painting work, applicators and site supervisors should understand the causes and preventive measures of common defects that occur at different stages of works. They should also be familiar with the remedial measures that can be taken to rectify any unforeseen defect.
Many problems can occur after painting. Sometimes, they occur simultaneously during painting. Understanding the causes of some of these defects can make the paint job easier. Here are some common paint defects and their solutions:
- Slow drying
- Wrinkling
- Sagging
- Peeling
- Patchiness
- Flaking
- Discolouration
- Loss of gloss:
- Efflorescence
- Cissing
- Chalking
- Chipping
- Brush marks
- Algae/Fungus growth
- Bittiness
- Blistering
- Blistering: Blistering or Swelling of paint is caused due to the trapping of air, moisture or solvent between the surface and the paint film.The solution– Remove any unstable paint films and allow the wall to dry thoroughly. Then repaint with a recommended paint. Avoid painting under direct sunlight.
- Bittiness: Bittiness is caused by dirt from the atmosphere or the surface or from brushes that are inadequately cleaned or due to bits of dried-up paint that gets stirred in. The Solution– Use clean brushes and paint on clean surface and strain the paint through a cloth before use.
- Algae/Fungus growth: Algae and fungus can grow when the surface is continually damp and dirty. Insufficient fungicide/ algaecide in the paint can also worsen the situation. The Solution – Remove algae / fungus by high-pressure washing. Wash again to remove any residue and allow the wall to dry before applying with recommended paint.
- Brush marks: Brush marks are caused due to under-thinning of paints or due to poor application of the final coat of paint or due to poor quality brush. The Solution – Ensure paint of the right viscosity is applied using a good brush.
- Chipping: Chipping of paint film is due to excessive use of putty or due to very thick coat of paint or defective surfaces. The Solution – Regulate the use of putty and paint.
- Discolouration: After paint is applied, it may fade or discolour. This is caused by particles in the wall reacting with the paint when it is drying. Discolouration could also be caused by water seepage, or by contaminants in metal or wood. The Solution – Repair water seepage. Make sure the surface is dry before painting and apply an alkaline-resistant or oil-based paint.
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