Scholars, all the whole world, are researching to know the qualities that one must possess to become a leader as well as the qualities that will make one leader more effective than the other. If we could identify the qualities associated with leadership, then the possibility of selecting effective leaders for countries or organizations would be increased.
The purpose of this study is to examine the leadership quality e.g. Nigeria examples.
Leadership is defined in various way we shall examined some of the definitions and apply them to this study. According to Newman (1997) leadership is the special and unique ability to influence people to move towards goals that are beneficial and meet the group best interest. North house (2001) defined leadership as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individual to achieve a common goal. Nwadike (2002) sees leadership as a process where one person exerts social influence over the member of a group.
From the above definitions the following condition are necessary for an effective leader to emerge in any organizational setting.
ü The presence of followers
ü The presence of an identical group powers and authority and to delegate same to members appropriately.
ü A leader should be able to influence followers in a variety of ways using formal and informal sources of influence. In formal source of leadership, power is the derived from the organizational relation while in informal leadership, influence on subordinate is based on his ability to source for information and have knowledge about his organization.
There are some clear qualities or characteristics found in good leaders similarly, there are also traits that are found in both effective and ineffective leader, These qualities can be developed or maybe naturally part of their personalities. leadership qualities are as follows :-
1. personal characters, honesty, integrity, trustworthy, humility.
2. clear vision and purpose.
3. strategic thinking.
4. accountability.
5. leading by example
6. interpersonal and personal skills.
7. task oriented.
8. Ability to delegate
9. Communication
10. Openness and risk taking.
Let me explore this qualities and traits in the Nigerian leadership contest.
1. Personal Character: An exemplary character, it is of almost important that a leader is trust worthy .lead others with honesty and integrity. A good leader walks the talk and inn doing so earns the right to have responsibility in the person of the late president Musa Yar, Adua, who has a respect for the rule of law all indices during his time as president indicates a new in love of doing things. Referring to the Nigerian Intel Sunday February, 8 2015. the final days of Umaru Yar Adua. Yar Adua inspired some level of hope by identifying the four areas of national consensus dipping democracy and rule of law, encouraging private sector participation in the economy zero tolerance for corruption and restricting government efficiency.
2. Passion, Enthusiastic: about his work or cause. A good leader is always enthusiastic with passion to his roles as a leader, people will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be source of inspiration and be a motivator or cause. In the person of former NAFDAC director general late Dora Akunyili who is very enthusiastic and passionate of her job. Although her role in the agency is different, she sometimes goes but being afraid and visiting all site of operation. Dora shows passion and enthusiastic by the mobile water technology that cheeks water quality on the spot and also visits operation sites as a leader. refers to leadership Nigerian most influential news paper 26 Sept, 2014.
3. Openness and Risk Taking:-good leadership embraces openness and risk taken as in the person of late Yar Adua who surprises his early critics and later disported many of his converted supporters. During his inaugural speech he commented on the poor quality of election that placed him in power in what seems like unusual candor.
4. Communication:-leader should communicate with the followers. leaders should also explain why employees are often left in the dark and business reasons behind corporate changes; by allowing employees know the scope of change even if it’s a bad news. Some changes may affect only few individuals within the organization, while others may affect everyone. It is best to end speculations.
Our nation Nigeria being a country richly blessed in all ramification, yet may of use are languishing in abject poverty due to poor leadership style just to mention but a few from above discussion it is clear that a present system of leadership of Nigeria beside encouraging love for material wealth’s ensures the welfares of the leaders at the expense of the poor
Nigeria Intel Sunday Feb., 8 2015 Vanguard news paper .
United nation (k. A) 1998 annual report of the secretary general on the work of the organization. 27 August.
Business Studies and Case Analysis (Emanuel O. Zuberu)