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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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This study examined the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies.This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study,     statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings,the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary.


I will focus my attention on how the modern equipment has contributed to the efficiency of the work of a secretary. Communication is today becoming more complex in its composition and the equipment being put to use for effective work.
Some of the equipment includes: telephone, Tele-printers, computers, radio phone and others.
All these radio, Tele-communication message are technological innovations that support the natural ways in which people work.
The core subjects in office technology and management includes typewriting, shorthand, and office management. This is because before a person can fit into the work of a secretary, he/she must study these courses which will help him or her in the manipulation of communication equipment. In response to the increasing and essential demand for well-trained secretaries, the government is doing its best to see that adequate attention is given to the study of these courses.
No wonder why this course is being offered in the Universities and Polytechnics and these institutions have been encouraged to train many people to serve as secretaries in order to handle and operate the modern communication equipment in offices nationwide. Abuja School of Accountancy And Computer Studies, (ASACS), rectors is a good example of ASACS effort in this direction.
The management of the institution is not living in the past century, they are also moving with time in the provision of modern communication equipment.
There is some communication equipment which the secretaries use in their offices. However, it has been discovered that many problem are still facing the effectiveness of the secretary who is adequately exposed to these modern equipment.
The Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies (ASACS) was established n may, 1995 and incorporated as a limited liability company. After three months of existence, the institution received approval as a professional training Centre from the following professional bodies.
a. Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN).
b. Chartered Institute of Administration (CIA).
c. Association of National Accountant of Nigeria (ANAN).
d. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN)
e. Nigeria Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management (NIPSM).
f. Computer Association of Nigeria (CAN)
The school was established to provide high quality academic studies and professional development for individuals who intend to work as accountants, computer specialists and administrators. It started with 250 students in 1995 the population has increased to 2000 in 1999.
In recent years, large business organization machine, from a messaging system to inter- office telephone extension for quick communication, from hand written addresses to addressing machines and with the entrance of computer nearly all office manual work has been reduced.
All these machines are aimed of course at elimination unnecessary delay to secretary performance and improving the efficiency of those who operate them. The secretary could not perform their task satisfactorily if the use of modern communication equipment does not exist.
Communication is a process of creating, transmitting and interpreting ideas, facts, opinions, and feelings. As the years go by the work continue to witness dramatic changes and development in all areas of the secretarial administration, generally, thought of in terms of the media communication for instance, memos, reports, and the skill of communication. It is widely considered that organizing element of management should concern itself with the system and environment of the communication function.
In this work, Chester Bernard (2003) stressed “the need for communication theory because the structure, extensiveness and scope of organization are almost entirely determined by communication which is regarded as the foundation on which most organization are built.
The competence of the secretarial staff of the Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies have continuously been questionable in the recent past.
This has remained a source of worry both for the management and the secretarial staff themselves.
Reasons for this have been associated with the ineffective operation of the secretaries. The situation arouse the curiosity of the researcher hence the desire to study the same.
Any work one does must have a purpose or rather an objective to justify that work. Again, the utmost aim of every work necessitate the success of the work, therefore the purpose of this study is primarily to know how far these modem communication equipment have help or contributed to job efficiency of secretaries in Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies.
In considering the effectiveness of modern communication equipment, this reviews the performance of the secretaries in the institution.
The overall purpose of this is to
1.       Examine how this modern communication equipment has contributed to effective work of the secretary in their organization.
2.          Make suggestion on the improvement of modem communication equipment in the institution.
1.     What are these modern communication equipment?
2.     What are the modern communications available for the use of the secretaries?
3.     Are these equipment being serviced to provide adequate, and efficient services?
4.     Are these equipment contributing to the efficiency of secretaries in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies?
The significance of the study arises from the fundamental role of modern communication equipment plays in our economic deve1opnents. Moreover, the secretarial services needed trained and qualified people n order to handle and maintain the equipment.
That is why Chester Bernard (2011) stressed that “the executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication”. Again, since secretarial services is of immense help to both public and private establishments in any developing or developed society in terms of qualitative administrative procedures the research would create avenue for its improved standard to match the growing complex nature of administration in our country.
Above all these, the study will attempt to explain why many organizations do not have these modern communication equipment despites its advantages. It is expected that the study will contribute to the knowledge in the area of efficiency. To the institution, it will bring them to the knowledge of what contributions they can make to train more secretaries, particularly in the area of provision modern communication equipment.
In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes
Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.
My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.
Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.
Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes it toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.
SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information.
COMMUNICATION: Is a process of creating ideas, facts, opinions, and feeling.
COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information
OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, executive re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.
ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.
ADMINISTRATION: it is often use to refer to the acti1ities of the higher level on management group who determine major aims afraid policies of an organization.


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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284