• Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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Management is the organizational process that include strategic planning, managing services, deploying the human and financial assets needed to achieve objectives and measuring results.
 It can also be seen as the process of getting activities completed officially and effectively with and through other people.
Henry fayol was a French man. He was born in 1814, a French mining engineer, Director of mines, who developed independent of the theory of scientific management, a general theory of business administration. He was one of the most influential contributors of modern concepts of management.
Fayol has proposed those six (6) primary functions of manager and fourteen principles of management. Has six function and are:-
1.     Planning
2.     Organizing
3.     Commanding (Authority, managers must be able to give order)
4.     Co-coordinating
5.     Forecasting,
6.     Controlling is described in the sense that managers must receive feedback about a process in order to make necessary adjustment.
Division of work; this principle is the same as Adam Smith’s division of labour. Specialization increases output by making employers more efficient. Authority gives them right. Note that responsibility arises wherever authority is exercised.
Discipline:-Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization. Good discipline is the result of effective leadership, a clear understanding between management workers regarding the organization rules and the judicious use of penalties for infractions of the rules.
Unity of command:-Every employee should receive orders from one superior.
Unity of direction:-Earth group organizational activities should be directed by one manager using one plan;
Subordination of individual interest to the general interest:- the interest of any one employee or group of employee should not take precedence over the interest of the organization as a whole.
Remuneration:-workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.
Centralization:- Centralization refers to the degree to which subordinates are involved in decision making, whether decision making is centralized ( to management) or decentralized ( to subordinates) is a question of proper proposition.
The task is to find the optimum degree of centralization for each situation.
Scaler chain:- the line of authority from top management to the lowest rank represent he scaler chain.
Communications should follow these chains, however, if following the chain creates delay, cross communication can be allowed if agreed to by all parties and superiors are kept informed.
Order:-people and materials should be in the right place at the right time.
Equity:-Manager should be kind and fair to their subordination stability of tenure of personnel.
Initiative:- Employees who are allowed to originate and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort.
Expirit the corps:- promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization.
He is considered to be the father humane to psychology 1st April 1908 –June 1970) was an American psychologist. He was popularly known for hierarchy of needs propounded. Abraham Maslow broke down the hierarchy of needs survival down into pyramids.
The hierarchy says that a person cannot focus higher level of needs until they succeeded the lower level first.
The five hierarchy of needs are:-
1.     Psychological needs:-They are the needs for essential things of life that everyman strife to satisfy e.g needs for food, shelter, clothing and air.
2.     Safety needs:-having satisfied with the above primary needs of life, the next need that will come to him is to protect himself against any possible  harms.
3.     Social needs:-This is the need to associate oneself with other human beings. It has to do with sense of affiliations where human beings strive to associate himself with other people in the society.
4.     self-esteem or recognition need
5.     self-actualization:
Dorglas Muray McGrego ( 1906-1st Oct. 1964) was management professor at the MIT Sloan of management and president of Antioch college from 1948 to 1954.
Dorglas McGregor is a contemporary of Abraham Maslow. Likewise he also contributed much to the development of the management and motivational theory. He is the best known for his theory X and Theory Theory Y as presented in his book“ The Human Side of Enterprise (1996), which proposed that managers individual assumption about human nature and behavior determine how individual manage their employees.

The typical hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization is called organizational structure. 

Organizational structure determines the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled and co-ordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. 

A structure depends on the organizations objectives and strategy. In a centralized structure, the top layer of management has most of the decision making power and has tight control over department and decision, in a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the department and decision may have different degree of independence. 


  • Line organization structure: these have only direct vertical relationship between different levels in the firm. There are only line department. Departments directly involved in the accomplishing the primary goal of the organization. For example, in a typical firm, line departments include:-
         Production and
         Marketing In a line organization authority follows chain of command.
  •   Divisional organizational structure:– in this type of structure, the organization can have different bases on which department are formed. They are:-
i.                   Function
ii.                 Production
iii.              Geographic territory.
iv.              Project and combination approach
  •    Project organizational structure:– The line and staff and functional authority, organizational structures facilitates establishments and distribution of authority for vertical co-ordination and control rather than horizontal relationships. In some projects ( complex activities consisting of a number of interdependent dependent activities), works process ay low horizontally, diagonal, ward and down words.
  •   Matrix organizational structure:- it is a permanent organization designed to achieve specific result by using teams of specialists from different functional areas in the organization.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284