Increase in human population brought about urbanization and this led to the increase in exploitation of land and land resolve in all part of the globe. This reason also provides for the greater requirement of land for various uses by different motives. The various uses land can be put into brought about spatial distribution & conforming land uses. Land uses should be put in terms of convenience safely and economy of uses.
This question brought about the need to monitor the development or every land exotically so as to ensure that the subject development conform with the standards provided in the area. This is called development control the history of, development control was traced back since the earliest time when emirs, obas and the chiefs in the northern west and eastern Nigeria respectively, were acting as administrators and trustees to land which belonged to the community.
Any form development that takes place on the land was subject to approval by them with the consent of the elders of the community. They levy taxes on those to whom land were given before development take place. These measures were taken to ensure proper utilization of the land it’s resources but with the promulgation of the land use decree 1978, new law governing the use of land were created. The decree vested all land in the country in the land of state governors to hold in trust for all people in the state. Under the state governor other authorities were established for the granting of right of occupancy to land and control of development of such land granted. The authorities include the ministry of land and survey and Nasarawa State urban development board (NUDB) Karu environmental protection authority is one of those authorities that control hazard from population, from wastes and check disasters from flood and erosion etc.
To encourage development control at Karu Local Government and KAPDA (Karu Area Planning Development Authority) should have enough works in development control and also in a planning section and other section like health section that will take care of every development in the area within its jurisdiction. The power which the local government exercises in its implementation of development control depend on the guideline provided under the state planning standard. This study has been designed to examine the impact of such, development control depend on the uses and value so that one would realize the reason, why some land uses attract high value than others.
The aim of this term paper is to examine the effect of development control on value.
The objectives are as follows:-
1) The pattern of development control and lands use in Karu Local Government area council of Nasarawa state.
2) Identify obstacles militating against effective land use control and development.
3) Examine the pattern adopted in controlling land use.
4) To amend the effect of development control on value
5) To examine the effect of the controls on property value in the area.
6) To examine the effect of development control on land use.
Karu local government was once in Plateau state before the creation of Federal Capital Territory (FCT) 1976 by decree number 6 of 1976. The decree is the legal instrument establishing the Federal Capital Territory out of the then Plateau state which give birth to Karu local government and Nasarawa state 1991. The state government now established on agency called (KAPDA) greater Karu area planning and development authority to re-design the road network, building construction and the administrative pattern on land and location in Karu local government of Nasarawa state. The creation of state and nearness to federal capital territory attracted high population which led to the introduction of (KAPDA greater Karu area planning and development authority as a regulatory agency in the location and the conned uses of the available landed property in Karu local government authority.
Karu is situated statuary from the tollgate called Mararaba on 65E longitude and 54NE latitude.
This study will be meaningful estate surveyors and other professional related to building industry and development, control on land which are charge with the with the responsibility of determining and sharpening the nature and speed of development in relation to population growth, income and other socio-political trends more so, development control on land use and values will find this materials of great benefit in making decision on impact of development control on land use and values.
Karu is the headquarter of New-Karu Local Government that make up of New Karu and other Local Government which are Nasarawa, Keffi, Doma, Nasarawa Eggon, Toto, Akwanga, Awe, Karu, Lafia. This Council became the tires of Government closer to grass root. They were responsible for local administration and provision of basic social service. Due to the creation of additional LG.
The researcher has not found it easy in collecting data from the study area, this was as a result of administrative bureaucracy as vital information were not revealed and other documents and record cannot be reached either because there were no proper record keeping or the are kept secret.
The administration of land in Karu Local Government as one out of the zonal land offices within the Nasarawa State of the Federation which is generally controlled and regulated by KAPDA and Karu Local Government Area Council which are jointly staffed by the Nasarawa State urban and housing development ministry and ministry of works.
The general land activities are comprised in it’s sub-units under the land unit as one of the three units under the department of works and housing in the Local Government Ikapda, which consist the following:
1. Open land registry allocation of plot
2. Deed registry
3. Cartography and survey
4. Planning
However, this study exclusively and comprehensively covers land administration in Karu Area Council from 1992-2007 with reference to the activities & the following sub-unit under the land unit
i. Land registry allocation of plot
ii. Deed registry
iii. Cartography.
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