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Factors that lead to conflict between office managers and their bosses in an organization


Dec 11, 2015

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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This paper titled factors that lead to conflict between office managers and their bosses in an organization.  The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that lead to conflict between office managers and their bosses and to suggest possible solution on how to deal with conflict and even how to avoid conflict. The researcher/writer consulted text books and related seminar topics. It was discovered that Bosses leadership styles contribute to most conflict. This paper considers the causes, area of conflict, function of office managers, personal attribute of bosses, categories of bosses advantages and disadvantage of conflict, consequences of conflict to management, employees and customers. Based on findings on the discoveries above, it was recommended among others that management should establish a good channel of communication; Office managers should ignore the boss anger and keep calm during the yelling period to avoid grievances and conflict in the organization.
The aim of every organization is to ensure the accomplishment of its objective. Management should ensure that the organizational functions are well structured. A good working relationship between the bosses and office manager is very important. This relationship is expected to build up a good business environment. Okan (2008), stated, that, if an office manager is attached to an important executive such as a general manager of a big company, she may have an assistant who relieve her of the more simple duties. It has been observed that boss’s leadership style determines the type of business climate to work with secretary in harmony, commitment and dedication to achieve the required goal of organization.
The leadership style of every boss should be such that allow for democracy. There are different categories of bosses in an organization depending on its size and structure. A secretary is responsible in handling correspondence, paper work, telephone calls, prepare report, travel schedules, appointments and inform his/her bosses of both of forth coming conferences. Okwusa (2001) asserts that due to the nature of office manager job he/she is expected to work hand in hand with the boss even if it means keeping late office hours in order to accomplish organizational objective to the fullest. An office manager should recognize that a relationship with her boss involves dependence and that, if it is well managed, there must be effectiveness in their jobs.
An office manager should recognize that bosses are only human, and therefore, appreciate his/her boss goals, pressures, strength, and weakness. His organizational and personal objectives, his preferred working style. Does the boss thrive on conflicts or trying to minimize it?  An office manager should also bear in mind that boss’s maturity in wisdom is not greater than theirs. Therefore, office managers should manage the relationship with the bosses as a part of their jobs so as to develop relationship that is in consonant with both people’s styles.
Heplin (2006), opined that, poor management of organization on the part of the bosses leads to conflict. Their relations either positively or negatively could trigger off conflict. On the other hand, an office manager should also avoid rudeness, hostility and lousiness, shabby appearance, divulgement of organizational secrets, stealing, lying and gossiping in the office. A good working relationship created by both should be devoid of conflicts. This could be achieve if boss show concern for the welfare of office manager which includes recognition, motivation, communication flow, salary and benefit allowance and also pay attention to an office manager’s problem. Pryse (2008), noted that he/she have the prudence to keep her personal life and that of working life separate.
Conflict is a serious disagreement between office managers and their bosses which arises as a result of tension, opposing ideas, opinions feelings or wishes. Conflict can also be referred to as the dissatisfaction of any employee or a group of employees over a denial of a perceived right or interest to which the individual or the group feels entitled.
v   Problematic working condition
v   Differences in opinion
v   Goals
v   Discrimination
v   Poor communication
v   Job insecurity
According to Appleby (2001), conflict could occur between workers or individual managers or even between office managers and bosses. He further said that many conflict within the organization would relate to economic aspect of pay and prices while other would be related to competition for survival.
According to Comfort, (1999), some office managers felt that corporate body/government body is their employer, therefore, they become apathetic on their job, no commitment to individual boss because, they develop nonchalant attitude, rude to member of the public and other employees. This behavior can lead to conflict and also resulting to poor image of the organization.
v Negligent to boss mood: negligent to the boss’s mood can, at times cause unnecessary wrangling and conflict. For instance, a boss desires to complete a particular task on schedule might create pressure which tenses his mood.
v Absence from work without leave: To avoid conflict, office manager should be punctual at his/her work because her absenteeism may diminish the efficiency and efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
v Rudeness: An Office manager is expected to treat customers and other employees or even his/her boss with kindness because they are the image maker of organization.
v Gossiping at the work place:Working hours is meant for productivity and seriousness at work to achieve organizational objectives. But if an office manager uses this hour to indulge in gossip with subordinates that may lead to conflict.
v Stealing:An office manager is to be worthy in carrying out her responsibilities, conflict may arise as a result of proper keeping of organizations record or falsification of the record.
v Shabby Dressing:Office managers should avoid old fashion dressing or indecent appearance as this tarnishes the reputation of the organization.
v Negligent:  office managers are expected to represent the organization in the absence of her boss, and also concentrate in her duties in other to produce an error free work.
A.         To assist her boss and shielding him from unnecessary attention to office details. An office manager therefore, should handle routine work with little or no supervision while the boss pays more attention to higher managerial functions.
B.         Office managers are expected to handle arrangement for meetings and prepare report of such meeting. In addition, she should supervise and control her subordinates, among other duties, is her ability to keep simple record of account and consumable in the office.
C.         Office managers are image maker of her organization because the project organization to outside world through the way she welcomes visitors, email, letters and way she processes information. She creates good impression about the organization from the way she performs her duties.
The following are issues which could trigger off conflicts.
Sometimes, Bosses derive office managers, Authority should be exercise smoothly. It is equally important for office managers to have satisfaction on their job. The boss should provide job security, prospects, recognition of whatever contribution made by office managers towards the organizational development.
1.     Work overloads: sometimes bosses overloads office managers with works praise or motivation that will trigger their performance.
2.     Inappropriate salary structure, nonpayment/delay in payment of salary.
3.     Denial of benefits such as work leave, sick leave etc
4.     Authority and power: This happens when office managers are not participative in decision making and want to be actively involved.  More so, subordinates may dislike the fact that there is always a boss above them.
5.     Improper implementation of contract agreement entered into by both during employment.
According to Serigiovanni (2007), boss must use different strategies for the smooth running of any organization. In every organization bosses are the head while secretaries work under them. Their relationship is expected to be reciprocal so that peace and harmony will prevail in their work place.
According to comfort (2009). There are different types of bosses depending on the size of the organization. An office manager may at times moves from one boss to another. The various temperaments’ of bosses need to be thoroughly understood, if office managers are to work maximally with less conflict.
1.     The bully boss: bully boss is the type who derives pleasure in hurting his secretary, such boss say insulting words for any minor mistake from the office manager.
2.     The workaholic Boss: this type of boss is interested in getting work done, than the person doing the work. Such boss will be at work till evening and even weekend.
3.     Thejellyfish boss: Is the type who avoids conflicts and always assume that every office manager knows his/her job. He always acts in such a way that no one is hurt. He is mindful of what he says or do because, he is afraid of creating conflicts.
4.     The perfectionist boss: is the type of boss who lacks confidence in work of his office manager. He always inspects the office manager’s work. Sometimes he uses irritating questions such as why is this simple job taking the whole of your day.
5.     The aloof boss: An aloof boss is the type that initiates and completes a decision alone. He does not communicate any expectations clearly, especially on very urgent and important assignments. He doesn’t give any direction.
6.     The buddy boss: Is the type that wants to be your friend, not your “superior” he wants you to like him, and because friends stick up for friend, it may be a good investment to spend some time with him.
1.     He should have interest in achieving success for the organization rather than for himself.
2.     He should think positive: understand the power of positive psychology, look at every situation as a learning opportunity.
3.     Honesty is the best policy. It is important to be transparent and honest with employees. Great boss posses the leadership skill to appropriately tell people the truth, whether it is good or bad.
4.     He should know how to inspire.  A good and great boss knows how to react when there is a big moment and also how to make the people around them react to it.
5.     The ability to communicate simply and clearly
6.     He should recognize what are the strength and weakness of the office manger and maximize the strength while helping him to overcome the weakness.
7.     Give credit where it due. He has to recognize the office manager’s performance and give praises. It is really important to make sure that employees are getting the respect that they deserve.
A.            It leads to better understanding
B.            More commitment in work performance
C.            It leads to job satisfaction
D.            It improves quality of decision
E.            It creates room for recognition.
A.            It  leads to wastage and repetition of paper work
B.             It might leads to loss of good employees
C.            It tarnishes the image of an organization.
When conflict occurs frequently, in an organization the effect often become a acculturated. This leads to a general unpleasant work environment.
1)    It creates project delay that can result in missed market opportunities
2)    Costumer relations can be damaged when conflict result in confused communication or inconsistence information.
3)    It creates fear, distrust and passive-aggressive behaviors
4)    It compromises all positive energy in the workplace, creating a stressful and unproductive work environment.
5)    Creates tension and stress, reduce motivation and disturb concentration among employees
6)    Boss looses credibility in the eyes of peers, subordinates and supervisors because employees may begin to look at the disputes as badly managed and inoperative.
7)    Employees feel a sense of disappointment when conflicts are allowed to continue between them.
The special case of conflict between a direct report and a boss presents unique challenges. As a manager with responsibilities up and down the organizational chain, recognizing and resolving conflicts with your boss may well define to what degree you can effectively contribute to your organization. A conflict with your boss can arise from several different kinds of situations or opposing perspectives.
Hall (1989), observed that no matter how carefully management may forecast, formulate policies, plan an elaborate organizational structures, the success of its planning is ultimately in the hand of the employees at all level.
There is no role clarity or alignment. You are not sure about how your work supports your boss’s work and how it meets the mission of the organization. You may think you’re doing tasks that should be on your boss’s list. Your boss may think that she or he is doing too much of your work.
1)    Office managers should use their initiatives to get job done, and also be dedicated to their work to avoid incurring the boss’s anger.
2)    Boss should ensure that the welfare of the office manager is well taken care of.
3)    Tolerance principle: both boss and office manager should respect this tolerance principle, this means that a person does not care about small minor issues.
4)    Both the boss and office manager should maintain their emotional stability.
5)    Office managers should study the different mood of their boss.
6)    Work and Humor. People spend the majority of their day at work, if it is all seriousness and no fun, you risk having under-productive employees, so you creates fun and humor while working to lighten up the mood in the office.
A boss could even host a conflict resolution seminar or find a conflict resolution expert who will come and speak to your office and explain the proper way to handle a conflict at work and in life. An informed employee is one step on the path toward a healthy work environment.
In conclusion, through the ideas of different authors and initiatives, I observed that most conflicts are as a result of Bosses leadership style and negative attitude of office managers towards work.  In management, it is a fact that bosses cannot make a very good impact on the organization without the help of capable assistant (office manager). No wonder this saying “behind any successful executive, there is an efficient and intelligent secretary”. And for any organization to function effectively, there must be good interpersonal relationship between the boss and the office manager devoid of conflict. Good interpersonal relation skill, mutual understanding is a very good aspect in this study, so that they can view their strength and weakness to work in harmony for the attainment of organizational goals and objectives.
In order to achieve organizational objectives office managers and their bosses should be able to tolerate each other for the attainment of the overall objective of the organization.
1)    Management should ensure that a good channel of communication is in place to enable them express their grievances before it leads to conflict.
2)    Office manger should not offer Lip service.All talk and no action is a sure way to increase conflict with your boss. Tell your boss what you’ll do and then do it.
3)    Loose talk. Don’t undermine your boss; it will come back to haunt you. Support your boss when dealing with peers, direct reports, and staff.
4)    Both should not allow their private matters to interfere with their duties.
5)    Apple-polishing. Don’t go overboard. Understanding and supporting your boss’s point of view does not mean abandoning your own ideas or values. Nor should you withhold negative information. Determine when to raise issues in a public forum and when to take them behind closed doors.
6)    Office managers should endeavor to proofread all typed work no matter the urgency before passing it to boss to avoid mistakes.
7)    Office managers should ignore the boss anger and keep calm during the yelling period.
Appleby, I. (2001) modern Business Administration: 2ndedition London;
          Pitman publishing ltd parker street.
Comfort, A. (1999), office Administration for managers and secretaries:
          Lagos; vision plus Ventures publications.
Heplin,L.(2006), anxiety in organization: In the Emotional side of workers
          Washington D.C Family center
Hall, M.C. (1989), Bring Conflict out from behind the scenes: in
          Hidden Conflict Organization s. London; SAGE publication
Okwusa, A. (2001), the successful secretary: 5thEdition, USA, Western
          Publishing Company.
Okan, M. (2008), options, functions and skills: what an organizational
          Ombudsman might want to know. Dallas ombudsman association.
Pryse, C. (2008), the Administration          Secretary: 3rd Edition, New York, Mc
          Grow Hill Book Company.
Sergiovanni, C. (2007), Improving Staff performance through in service:
          London; Boston Ellyn and Brown publication.

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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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