• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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(A case study of Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Abuja)


This research titled “The effect of Ebola Virus Spread on the Performance of Service Industries (A case Study of Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja) is aimed at discussing Ebola Virus in detail and examining its effects on service industries. Ebola Virus is a member of the Filoviridae Viral family of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) viruses characterized by long thin filaments seen in micrograph images. Nigeria confirmed its first case of Ebola in 23 July, 2014 at First Consultant Hospital, Obalende, Lagos State. The virus entered the country via an infected Liberian air traveler, Patrick Sawyer, who had been visibly ill before even boarding his flight. The outbreak of the virus in Nigeria took its toll on the economy of Nigeria including Sheraton Hotel Abuja which had to take additional measures to protect their numerous guests by retraining their staff and increasing sanitation. Ebola virus is of a great concern to public and global health because it has such a high mortality rate and is a potential bio-terrorism agent. If not properly addressed its spread could pose a big problem to both public and private business organizations. In gathering data for this research, primary and secondary sources were used. Interviews were conducted, questionnaires were distributed, a lot of literature was reviewed and the findings used to make conclusions and recommendations on the possible ways to curb the spread of the disease, curtail its damaging effects on the performance of businesses and the society at large and explore any positive aspects it may have.

 CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYEbola virus is a member of the filoviride viral family of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) viruses, which are characterized by the long, thin filaments seen in micrograph images. It is named after the Ebola River where the virus was first discovered.The virus causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever which is a serious and usually fatal disease for those who contact it. It damages the endothelial cells that make up the lining of the blood vessel walls become more damaged and the platelets cannot coagulate, the individual undergoes hypovelemic shock, or a dramatic decrease in blood pressure.Depending on the type of virus, Ebola can have up to a ninety (90) percent mortality rate for those infected.There are several different types of Ebola virus that affects humans. Currently, they are Zaire, Sudan and Ivory Coast. Ebola virus, named for the respective regions in Africa in which the strain was found. Reston Ebola Virus is a type of Ebola that only affects non-human primates. It was first discovered in an outbreak in Reston, Virginia. Outbreaks of Ebola are sometimes caused by new strains of virus; so more type can and are being discovered. For example in 2007, there was an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Bundibugys district of Uganda where a new strain of the virus, as classified by the centre for disease was found to be the cause.Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 when an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever occurred in Zaire and another later that year in Sudan. Each outbreak had about 300 victims but did not spread larger than that because of the remoteness of the area in which they occurred. The Zaire Ebola virus has one of the highest fatality rates of any pathogenic virus affecting humans. In the 1978 outbreak, it killed 88 percent of patients, 81 percent on 1995, 73 percent in 1996, 80 percent in 2001-2002, and 90 percent in 2003, although none of these outbreaks were as large as the original.Ivory Coast Ebola Virus was first discovered in 1.994 when a scientist travelled only to other countries through shipment of non-human primates or through accidental confirmation in testing facilities. Crab-eating manqué that were imported from the Philippines to Reston, Virginia in 1989 were found to have a virus similar to Ebola. Over 150 animal handlers were all tested for Ebola and only 6 were found to have developed Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The centre for disease control concluded that this strain had a low infection rate for humans and it was later classified as its own strain named Reston Ebola virus.In Nigeria, in 2014, nine of the doctors and nurses who treated the first patient became infected and four died. In total, the country recorded 20 cases and 8 deaths.1.2     STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe statement of the problem serves as a guiding principle on how and what the research investigates pertaining Ebola virus epidemic in Nigeria.The problems are:- Could it be that Ebola has effects on the performance of service industries in Nigeria?- What exactly are the effects and br threats of Ebola to the service industries?1.3     OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe objectives of the study include:a. To examine the threats of the Ebola virus spread on service industries in Nigeria.b. Identifying ways to curb the spread of the disease curtail its damaging effects and explore its positive aspects.c. Implementing infection control precautions. 1.4     SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYOne of the biggest weapons we have in the battle is knowledge and education. The study of the deadly Ebola virus will throw more light on the disease in terms of preparing individuals with the proper gear to make sure they don’t have unnecessary exposure, how the disease is contracted and spread, its prevention, its treatment, courses of action to take in the event of contraction, as well as its effect on the economy.1.5     RESEARCH QUESTIONS1.       What are the effects of Ebola virus spread on the performance of service industries? Using Sheraton Hotels and, Towers as a case study.2.       How can the spread of the disease be curbed, its damaging effects curtail      ed and its positive aspects explored?3.       What are the prevention control precautions?1.6     RESEARCH HYPOTHESISNo research work can be done without some basic assumptions which tend to be a guide or give a sense of direction.Hypothesis is a basic assumption in relation to subject of proof, verification and test in order to ascertain the authenticity of such assumptions, in view of the topic under study.H0: Ebola virus does not have effect on the service industries in Nigeria.H1: Ebola virus has effects on the service industries in Nigeria.1.7     SCOPE OF THE STUDYThe scope of the study focused on Ebola, its effects on the performance of service industries in Nigeria, and the study covers only Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja.1.8     LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYThis research was hampered by so many constraints, which affected the quality of the work. In the first place, the project was constrained by financial and time factors. Secondly there was a little difficulty getting information from sources and respondents. Something’s will definitely not turn out easily which are the limiting factors to the quality of this research work. 1.9     DEFINITION OF RELEVANT TERMS1. Ebola:Lethal Virus: a virus transmitted by blood and body fluids that causes the linings of body organs and vessels to leak blood and fluids, usually resulting in death.2. Performance:Working Effectiveness: the way in which somebody does a job, judged by its effectiveness.The manner in which something or somebody functions, operates or behaves.3. Service Industry:An industry that provides a service rather than goods and services or such industries as a whole.4. Endothelia:Internal tissue: a layer of cells that lines the inside of some body cavities e.g. blood vessels.5. Virus:A sub-microscopic, parasitic particle of a nucleic acid surrounded by protein that can only replicate within a host cell.6. Coagulate:To thicken or cause liquid to thicken into a soft semisolid mass.7. Bio-terrorism:Terrorist acts involving the use of biological or chemical weapons.8. Antibody:A protein produced by cells in the body in response to the presence of an antigen e.g. a bacterium or virus.Antibodies are a primary form of immune response in resistance to disease and act by attracting themselves to a foreign antigen and weakening or destroying it.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284