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Dec 18, 2017

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284





Water is one of the essence part of life, as we know that without water, there will be no existence of human being, it is classified as one of the six classes of food (others are carbohydrate protein fat, and oil, mineral salts and vitamins),.

It is scientifically proved to constituent hydrogen and oxygen as its constitute element while as chemical formula H20.

According to I.A Odesina (Author of a textbook title “Essential chemistry for senior secondary school stated that” life Depends on water. Water in by far the most abundant substance in plant and animal tissue as well as the world around us . it account. For about 70% of the human body and in higher in many growing plants.

Over 80% of the earners’ surface in covered by water.

Water is not only used all over the world in large quantities for drinking purposes, but is even greater quantities for washing, bleaching dyeing, cooking, raising steam to drive earlier in tubiner to generate electricity and as a solvent for industrial purpose

Pure water does not exist in nature state, but supplies of water are obtainable all over the world, varying in degrees of purity from rain water, from clean districts to sea water in which the impurities reach the comparatively high proportion of about 3.5%


 Physical properties of pure water

  1. Nature: pure water is a colourless, tasteless and odourless liquid. Distilled water is pure. Drinking water has a pleasant taste because dissolved minerals and air in water make its taste better.
  2. Pure water exists in all the three states as solid (ice), liquid (water) and gaseous (steam or water vapour).
  3. Heat capacity of water: Heat capacity of substance is the heat required to raise its temperature by one degree. Heat capacity of water I highest among all liquids.

Chemical properties of pure water

  1. Reaction with metals: Water reacts with metals to a degree varying wit h their position in the electrochemical series. E.g 2k(s) + 2H20(l)                 2kOH(aq) + H2 (g)
  2. Reaction with organic and inorganic compounds: Water reacts with organic and inorganic compounds. Such reaction are generally described as hydrolysis. E.g. CaC2 + 2H20(l)   Ca(OH)2(aq) + C2H2 (g).

In conclusion, water is divided into two types named, natural water and treated water.

Natural water includes rain water, spring water, well water, river water and sea water.

Well water contains a lot of clay and other mineral salts. Water from deep well tends to be less polluted than that of surface wells.

River water, lake water and sea-water contain a lot a of dissolved air, mineral salts bacteria and organic remains.

These waters have to e specially purified before they can be used for drinking.

Treated water is usually prepared for specially purposes. Examples of treated water are distilled water, pipe-borne water and chlorinated water

Distilled water is chemically pure water it is prepared by condensing steam or passing water through an ion –exchange resin column . It is used in the laboratory for preparing reagents and doing analytical work. It is also used in the preparation  of drugs car batteries and for certain industrial processes.


The name of the enterprise  is STB table water enterprises. The organization came into existence at the year 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. S.T Olowo, the organization started with manual machine and about five staff members including the operator and two baggers. The organization could only produce 100 bags daily, the sales was 100 only few people interest in the consumption of pure water.

In the year 2006/2007, the organization purchased some factory equipment which include: an automatic sealing machine that could produce 100 bags per hour and the strength of the workers now increased to over 30 staff of the worker now some material. Purchased.

  1. PVC water tanks 4 (30001z1, 15001×1, and 20001×1)
  2. Pumping machine x2 (IHP each)
  3. Automatic filling and sealing machine x1 (C.K Kingdom 2000lx) 1hrs)_
  4. Industrial Uv water sterilization ( Yankee)
  5. Micro fitter 4 (5 micro x 15 micro carbon fitter x1, 1 micro x1 and 0.2 macro x1)
  6. Stand-by generator (8 kva)
  7. Stainless steal graded sand filtration modules
  8. Uv germicide lamp x1
  9. Stainless steal activated carbon filtration modules
  10. Delivery van x1 (Toyota)

All the above materials purchased by the enterprise/industry is to aid work effectively and efficiently in order to be able to reach the peoples/ population demand both within and outside the state capital territory of kogi state.


          The illustration below shows the organizational chart of the establishment.  It is headed by the managing Director in a person of Mr. S.T Olowo who is charged with the responsibility of directing the affairs of the establishment also to remind his staff concerning the aims and objectives of the company.

          The general manger in a person of Mr. Olu Olowo who is responsible for the day-today operation of the establishment. The company is further divided into deferent sections.

  1. Accounts section/department:- This department/section is handled by an accountant who is responsible for keeping the financial records of the company.
  2. Public analyst: – it is handled by a person of Professor C. Ariahu of collected of food technology, federal university of Agriculture markurdi, Benue state, Nigeria Analyst). Responsible for the quality control of STB table water industry which is done regularly.
  3. Production manager: The production manager is a person of
  4. ADesoro Opeyemi, who ensure that sample of each batch are thoroughly checked for colour, teste, odor and particle before it is disseminated.


The study is carried out to detect whether a positive change in the volume of production of pure water has taken place overtime (between 2008-2010). also to know the trend.


 The purpose of this study is:

  1. To know the volume of production of pure water from January 2008 to December 2010).
  2. To examine the functional relationship between the variable, (i.e. production (y) and X).
  3. To predict/forecast for the production of pure water for the next ten years or mine year to come.
  4. To study the prospect and problem of the establishment and also presumably, provide necessary suggestion when necessary.


The effort of putting this research work into existence in very tedious, therefore, it is not an easy task to accomplish. In the sense of the financial constraint involved, as it is usually being the collection of data from the company management was another Herculean task. The study cover a period of five years (i.e from 2008-201).


  1. Time Series:- It is an arrangement of statistical data collected with respect of the time of exclusive. Examples of time series data include weekly or annual production, precipitation, temperature e.tc.

Time series can simply be classified into four basic components/groups.

    1. Secular or long term movement or fluctuation
    2. Seasonal movement or fluctuations
  1.  Cyclical movement or fluctuations
  2. Irregular movement or random fluctuations
  3. Secular or long term movement refers to the smooth or regular movement of the series over a long period of time.

Sometime, series is play upwards, trend downwards trends, or remain constant over a period of time.

Whether we are a logarithmic or authentic scales, time is scaled along the X –axis, and the values along the – Y-axis.

  1. Seasonal movement refers to the effects of the season is determining the variation in the quantity or magnitude of a variable.

Seasonal variations need to be investigated for three main reasons.

    1. To determine the effects (positive or negative) of season on the variable of interest:
    2. To filter out these seasonal effect so as to determine the time quantity not influenced by seasons
    3. To project existing patterns into the future for the purpose of forecasting
  1. Cyclical movement: Cycle in time series analysis are fluctuation which remain after other components trend, seasonal variation and irregular movements have been removed. Cycles differ from seasoned variations because the extend over a longer period of time.
  2. Irregular fluctuation refers to those variations that are highly unpredictable such as floods, goods or bad news, earth quakes and so on. Like cyclical variation, irregular movements are also measured by eliminating the three other components from a time series.
  1. Semi-average Method: This method involves dividing the data into two parts to obtain two points in the time series graph.

A trend line is that drawn between there two points, and trend values determined,

The mean: it is important that we divide our data two equal parts. If the series an odd numbers of years, me make the two parts equal by eliminating the middle year as done in chapter

An alternative method: The data is divided into two equal part semi- total are obtained, after which they are divided by the number of observation to derive semi- averages for the two data sets.


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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284