Urbanization caused by the combined expansion of population and urban areas poses many problems (Olusegun Aremu and Etol 1966:25).
i. Unemployment: Unless urban growth can be matched by commercial and industrial development, many people will not be gainfully employed in the cities, the urban authorities have to be constantly on the watch for development opportunities by offering attractive terms and economic stabilities for foreign investors to channel their investments in the city and sub urban areas. Facilities should be created to teach the people at the various skills in the industrial and commercial field so that the investors can be assured of the right people to make their investment grow.
ii. Housing: In a congested city, housing can be an acute problem. Scarcity of living accommodation can push up rental rates to exorbitant heights, as has happened in Lagos, Port-Harcourt, Abuja etc. living quarter can be a health hazard, especially in slums and squatter area.
iii. Traffic congestion: Large cities, within millions of inhabitants who have to live, work and move about invariably suffer from congestion on roads.
All kind of conversance, cars, buses, trains trucks, railways, motorcycle and bicycles jam the transport network and slow down movement. This is particularly serious during the rush hours of the morning, lunch time and home-going period as well as in the evenings when there are again many people on the streets going to restaurants and cinemas etc.
iv. Poor management: According to Mabogunje (2002:102), the cities, as is to be expected, have become the major destination of short distance migration from their immediate rural areas and long distance migration from the parts of the country. A city, like any economic organization, requires qualified enlightened and experience management to function effectively and profitably.
v. Environmental deforestation: Deforestation overcrowding always lead to drop a living standards. A large population in a small area puts a tremendous pressure on such every day matters as the disposal of sewage and garbage, and the provision of water supply, electricity social and recreational facilities, smoke from kitchens, factories and cars pollute the air and increase health hazard. The rise from traffic and the industrial site is often excessive and makes town life unpleasant with the increase in the urban sprawl.
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