In the construction industry, multiple project management (MPM) exists where more than one project is managed simultaneously and the aim is to improve management and efficiency. The driving force behind multiple project management (MPM) is the pragmatic allocation of resources encumbered by uncertain economic times. However, this research aims to address the issue by investigating on the challenges that hinder the effectiveness in respect to managing multiple-project within the construction industry. In order to conduct this study, survey research design was adopted; using questionnaire, 70 questionnaire were administered to building professionals (project managers, Quantity surveyors, Builders, Architects, and Engineers), 52 where fully completed and returned; the data obtained were analyzed using statistical method of data analysis. The findings revealed that organizational culture, project management process, communication and conflict are the major factors leading to the problem in managing multiple-project. The research concluded that multiple-project managers should place much focus on these challenges in multiple project management as they affect the effectiveness and efficiency in management. The research recommends that; for an organization should be effective in (MPM), there should be strong foundation in project management processes especially in planning and also there should be an establishment of culture in terms of commitment, communication, and reward for performance.
Multiple project management (MPM) have embrace in organizations since they seek to develop management and good organization, manage interconnected projects, and shuffle technology among projects to outshine the competition. Several organizations in this day employ multiple project management (MPM) practices. It is done this way, having one project manager lead multiple concurrent projects, which we named– the management of a group of multiple projects (MGMP).
Multiple project environments (MPEs) have been defined in diverse ways in the study. To describe the management of MPEs, studies have been based on terms, for example multi- project, portfolio, programme, macro-project, mega-project, giving the idea of related meanings (Turner, 2009, Project Management Institute, 2008). The difference in definition has lead to little close due to doubt and concise understanding (Shehu & Akintoye, 2010, Milosevic, 2009) into the relationship of MPEs and their challenges. The definitions of the MPE in this study reveal various characteristics that best describe the character of the construction industry. At first, MPEs was referred to, “an organizational level environment in which multiple projects are managed alongside” (Patanakul & Milosevic, 2009, p. 217). nevertheless, this definition needs to be comprehensive past extra one project managed concurrently, but also at diverse locations (Evaristo & van Fenema, 1999), on the prospect of participation from numerous organizations (Dubois & Gadde, 2002) These two attributes of multiple projects at various sites and involves numerous organizations are essential in defining MPEs.
The first feature stress on diverse sites because within the construction industry, projects are influenced by geographical location which includes intercontinental and nationwide distribution whether in a local region or in another place. This separation is due to the prospective profit of the physical location and where professionals are involved in the project operation location (Zavadskas et al., 2004). One project can be carry out in several sites at the same time, provided that the correspondent actions share similar use (Evaristo & van Fenema, 1999). The management of these projects is understood to be either centralized or extend located in any of the sites. The challenge of project’s location of multiple projects is associated to the focus on the co-ordination method, with the choice of either focusing on inter-site or boundary spanning across sites, or give attention to on intra-site or boundary spanning across projects (Hashim & Chileshe, 2012).
The second feature begins from the construction management which is hard by numerous organizations concerned in the supply chain. The organizations are also occupied in other projects in which they have to manage their activities and resources with different sets of organizations. This connection shows that an organization is able in managing more than one project concurrently in the construction industry (Dubois & Gadde, 2002) and sustains project-based structures (Söderlund, 2004). The enhanced use of project-based structures defines the character of multiple project environments with the association of multi-project organizations.
From these features, the illustration of challenges end in the complexity in managing multiple-projects could be illustrated. For instance, the projects located in multiple sites will focus on the harmonization mechanisms, on single unit exclusive of separating the projects into multiple units in sharing the projects aim and objectives even if they are mostly distributed from each other (Desouza & Evaristo, 2004). Alternatively, projects which involves with multiple organizations can simply cause conflict amongst the team mates, and obstruct the establishment of “organization culture” of multiple projects environment regularly among diverse levels of management or among other projects, particularly when contending after the same resources (Fricke & Shenbar, 2000, Olford, 2002). For that reason, these characteristics reveal the challenges in managing multiple-project that will reduce the effectiveness in management.
Multiple-project managers’ manage multiple instantaneous projects and to manage interdependencies among projects in order that each project can accomplish its objectives. Since the project manager leads several teams for projects of diverse objectives, s/he usually does not have plenty time and resource to use on one particular team. Even if, the projects tend to be smaller than the one of single-project managers, having totally different types of projects, concentrating on different project goals, and leading multiple-project teams particularly of swap from a project to another, occasionally several times a day, this make very high complication in management.
Profit is what construction industries considered most consequently lead to MPM. Little consideration is placed on the challenges in MPGM. The study therefore, intended to answer the question:
- What are the challenges that hinder the effectiveness in managing multiple-project?
- What are the factors influencing the effectiveness in managing multiple-project?
- What are the possible means to achieve effectiveness in multiple-project management?
1.3.1 Aim:
The aim of the study is to investigate the challenges in managing multiple-project within the construction industry.
1.3.2 The specific objectives are:
- To identify the major challenges in managing multiple-project within the construction industry.
- To determine the factors that influences effectiveness in multiple-project management.
- To develop a framework for better understanding of the effectiveness in managing multiple-project in a project manager level.
1.4 Significance of the study
The significance of this study broadened the project management understanding in respect to interaction within multiple projects environments and their challenges. There has been not sufficient work on the challenges that obstruct the effectiveness. For that reason, the contribution of this study would be through the evaluation of challenges in the multiple projects environment that are likely to tackle project managers.
- The scope of this research is limited to the challenges in respect to managing multiple-project within construction industry.
- Target respondents for this study are the major professional in the construction industry, Namely: Project manager, Quantity surveyor, Builder, Architect and Engineer.
- The study is limited to projects within construction industry in Kano metropolis of Nigeria because the researcher has easy access to information in the Kano metropolis.
2.1 Management of Projects
In the current business environment, projects are regularly measured as way to business achievement (Frame, 1994; Forsberg et al., 2000; Pinto, 2002; Shenhar & Poli, 2003). Frequently, single projects are adequately large and planned in nature and have one project manager devoted full-time to a project, frequently called a single-project manager (Archibald, 1975). Conversely, a program, lead by a program manager, is a relations of projects that are strongly reliant, share familiar goals, and lead to a single deliverable result or service (Project management institute, 2005).
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