A retailer buys a wide variety of goods from different wholesalers after estimating customer demand. He selects the best merchandise from each wholesaler and brings all the goods under one roof. In this way, he performs the twin functions of buying and assembling of goods.
The functions of the retailer include:
- The primary functions of a retailer are the assembling at convenient points a wide assortment of goods from numerous sources.
- The retailer keeps ready stocks to meet the demands of consumer every day.
- He brings new products and new varieties to the knowledge of consumers.
- He offers expert advice to the consumers on the merits and suitability of the products.
- He extends credit, undertakes door delivery and allows liberal exchange facilities.
- The retailer saves the manufacturer from the expensive and time consuming process of direct marketing.
- He undertakes also promotion activities through window-display and counter display
- The retailer who buys in fairly large quantities from the wholesaler normally has to break the bulk further so that he can sell at appropriate quantities to the consumers.
- Retailers with known “Goodwill” sometimes undertake local branding of not too well known manufacturers goods, to facilitate easy sales.
- Some large retail outlets like departmental stores and supermarkets have facilities for delivery of purchased items such as furniture and other consumer durables to buyer’s premises.
- The retailer opens at convenient hours for the benefit of the shopper. The large retail outlets have the opening and closing hours, which may be meet the requirements of both the working and non-working housewife.
- They pass information from consumers about their complaints and preferences to wholesalers for onward transfer to the producer.
- Completion of production process such as labeling
- Providing after-sales services to customers such as installation and maintenance services.
- Selling to consumers at convenient place and time.
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